Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shame on me!

For being such a lazy blogger lately! And the laziness will continue for this evening, as I have to pick up my hubby from an evening meeting and dash over to my brother and sister-in-law's house for our weekly LOST event (on DVR... which means no commercials, woohoo!).

However. Two things:

1. Sorry for the lack of posts, for those few people who read this (if any at all, really).

2. I think I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy lately. I know what you're thinking: one can NEVER have too much Grey's Anatomy in their life! It's true, certainly. But my hubby and I just started watching about a month ago and have become superfast junkies. Like, we bought all five seasons quickly after we started watching the first season. And I don't believe I've mentioned that we're midway through the fourth season... yikes! Anyway, here's how I know it might be becoming a problem: I'm a huge Mer-Der advocate, and cannot HANDLE the relationship Dr. McDreamy currently has with Rose because it's wrong on so many levels. Apparently I've become too wrapped up in this fictional off-again, on-again romance between Mer-Der, because I totally dreamt about it last night. And I definitely had a heart-to-heart with both Meredith and Derek. Yeah, it was weird. Kind of creepy, really.

For today, that is all. But I promise I will be back sooner than before :o)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see a little post. You do have at least one reader! And I would love a little Grey's talk every once in awhile. I'm a committed viewer. And I too love Mer-Der. Always have, always will.

    p.s. my calves are pretty sore today! haha

