Monday, March 25, 2013

29 weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks today! But recapping, so this post will review week 29.
Total weight gain/loss:
Lovely news! I've gained back the pound I lost last week and am back up at 117 :) I'd much prefer if I'd have seen 118 on the scale, but I'm working on it.
Trying to add more snacks in wherever and whenever I have time (and tummy space!) and drinking more 100% fruit juices, because liquids seem to take up less of that coveted tummy space that fills up too quickly lately!

Maternity clothes? I've broken out a few maternity tops and am really appreciating them for the extra length. I don't have to worry about pulling them down, which I'm loving. Still wearing my normal pants, unzipped and unzipped with a BellaBand covering that secret, as well as wearing a few maternity pants.

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Emotions! I am a ticking time-bomb. Yesterday at Palm Sunday mass when the kids processed in carrying palms and I saw some of my third graders walking with the crowd and they waved at me and gave me big, sweet grins, I just about lost it! Not to mention, I also self-diagnosed myself with two deadly forms of cancer over the weekend and spent some time crying about that, naturally, because it makes so much sense. It could be that I'm just naturally that crazy, but I am going to blame some of this partially on pregnancy hormones. 

Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Getting a tour of the birthing center at our hospital at child birth class this week! It was awesome and made me ridiculously excited to have this little peanut. After we finished the tour, all I could think was, "We can't do this for two more months!? But I'm ready now!" Not one bit of it freaked me out (except for the whole episiotimy thing... if you don't know it, look it up. It's too terrifying for me to explain). The husband, on the other hand, is less thrilled by the whole, "labor and delivery" part of things. Poor guy. He's got a few months to get used to it yet :)

Anyway, it was very neat. It got me thinking about what kind of delivery I want and how incredible the whole thing will be. Am I wearing rose colored glasses, mamas out there who have done this before? I know it'll be hard (and likely quite painful, but that's what an epidural is for, right!?), but I just feel so blessed to have this opportunity. 
Miss Anything? Not one thing :)

Movement: Sweet girl is moving like a crazy woman in there! A few nights this week, we got to watch her roll around in my tummy more than ever before. It is so unbelievable to watch your tummy "roll" as baby drags an elbow or foot across it. There are times, too, that she kicks so hard that I wonder if other people can see it! I was at mass yesterday morning and did the first reading and a piece of the Gospel, and baby girl kicked harder than she's ever kicked before, and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone in the congregation noticed... likely not, but that's okay. It was just between us, then :)

Food cravings: Orange juice and milk have been my loves lately. The Oreo and Jimmy John's hankering have passed for now... but I don't think they're gone for good. We will see.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah, but sometimes I feel queezy when I think about eating because I'm just not hungry because I've been eating so frequently.

Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Belly Button in or out? Still in! That little ridge around the top is getting more prominent, but I don't honestly think we're going to get an outie in this pregnancy. That deep abyss is just too much to reverse!

Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But anxious and emotional lately as well...

Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet peanut! You are so loved already, EKB!


Monday, March 18, 2013

28 Weeks!

How far along? 29 weeks today! But this post will review week 28.
Total weight gain/loss:
At last week's appointment, I was officially up to 117 pounds. Woohoo! High fives went all around the room upon weigh-in! My doctor, nurse and husband were all very pleased.
Unfortunately, it seems I've since dropped back a pound to 116. Naturally, this worried me, so I called my nurse today and asked her what was up with that and if I should be worried. She reassured me that it's completely fine and baby's getting what she needs, and that the "loss" could be reflective of water weight. Regardless, she told me to eat even more and snack non-stop. And snacking may be the key here, because it seems I get full real quick lately, which they say is common as baby grows.

Maternity clothes? I have just a few pair of jeans that still fit without the BellaBand, and all my other pants require it now. I'm beginning to question just how long that nifty band can be my go-to, because I'm pretty sure zipping up some of my pants is even becoming a challenge now... we'll see what the next eleven weeks hold!

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Using the bathroom non-stop, a teensy bit of minor acid reflux, and I think my emotions are starting to run away a little. While watching a video about the conclave and our new pope, Francis, I cried like a baby. Maybe it's because I think the whole thing is so awesome that it really gets to me, but maybe it's pregnancy.

Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Along with watching the selection of our new pope with my third graders, seeing baby girl at our 28-week appointment last week was incredible. She's getting so big that you can't fit even her whole head in the screen anymore! Hard to believe her entire body could be seen in one frame before. We got to see her pretty little profile again and even got to see her open and close her mouth a few times... it was so unbelievable! I also asked my doctor how baby was looking as far as growth goes, so she did a few measurements and found out she was measuring just about on schedule -- slightly small, but the doctor said that's to be expected because I'm a small lady. Great news all around!

We also went to our first child birth class and LOVED it. Just so much good information about labor, baby, pregnancy, and the opportunity to ask any question your heart so desires. 

The other fun thing we did was we went to Target and got our Baby Registry done! It was exciting for the first hour and a half, and then we started to lose some steam. Regardless, it was ridiculously fun to pick out all kinds of things for our peanut. We do wonder though: do people put clothes on their registries? Or is that a "no-no"? And how long should a registry be? I'm also wondering what we didn't put on there that we should... any suggestions or answers to these questions would be mega-helpful :) We're also heavily weighing what kind of stroller to get. I'd like one that enables mommy and daddy to look at baby while strolling, but it seems those are tough to come by. Plus, I'd like a jogging stroller (me, jog? HA! But I've heard they have a nice, smooth ride and are easy to steer), and jogging strollers don't have that ability I don't think. Decisions, decisions. 
Miss Anything? Besides not having to stuff myself silly all day, nothing!

Movement: Baby girl is a mover! Although I think I've caught on to a pattern she has. Apparently babies develop daily patterns to their sleeping and waking hours. I think our baby happens to have a weekly pattern to her sleeping and waking, because she moves non-stop from Sunday to Wednesday... and then when Thursday, Friday and Saturday comes, she puts her feet up and takes a load off, wiggling her and there rather than all day long. It is the most bizarre thing, and has really bothered me the last month or so, because I keep thinking something is wrong on those "lazy" days -- but it's completely been a "four days on, three days off" kind of pattern for at least the last month.

Food cravings: Jimmy John's Slim #1... and I'm a naughty lady and had ANOTHER one yesterday. I told myself I'd only eat deli meat just that one time last week when we went to Jimmy John's, but it's just so yummy and delicious.

On the sweets front, I seem to be easing off the Oreos and opting for sweet breads instead. I'm lovin' me some banana bread with milk lately, and I couldn't resist picking up a mix for cinnamon bread at the grocery store today.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, except for when I get too much in my tummy at a meal. On Saturday, I had eaten half of my lunch and felt like I might toss my cookies due to being so darn full. I had to take an eating break and come back to it later instead.

Have you started to show yet: I have! This week's pictures are shocking to me because of how different last week to this week is.

Belly Button in or out? Still in! But getting a little 'ridge' on the top side of it that you can see through fitted shirts.

Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our 4-D ultrasound a week from today! We'll check baby's growth more officially next week and are hoping to see a strong, healthy little lady! Also looking forward to this week's child birth class... we'll be practicing breathing and get a tour of the birthing center -- woohoo!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks, six days. Last day of the second trimester... WOW!
Total weight gain/loss:
Holding steady this week at 116. I was disappointed in this, and am hoping to pick up another half pound by the time I see my OB tomorrow morning. I want to show off and have her be impressed at how well I've been gaining weight this last month -- almost a pound a week, whoo!

Maternity clothes? Stickin' to that BellaBand most of the time. Up until this week, my jeans and a few of my dress pants have worked without the BellaBand. For some, those days are over; for others, days of life sans BellaBand are numbered! This belly is growing out and up and down, so even low rise pants won't work for much longer!

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Just waking to go to the bathroom one or two times each night. I've been having, just barely, some acid reflux after eating bananas lately. It's pretty minor, but is something I hadn't experienced since the first trimester. I'm also noticing "mini" charlie horses most nights; it's like I feel them coming on in my sleep, so I really quick stretch my calf muscles, and it dissipates. My upper back continues to be a bit sore some days when sitting, so I've been trying the pillow between the legs trick while I sleep, which his surprisingly comortable.

Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Every night before going to bed, we take turns saying a special prayer for baby girl. Aside from being a special moment for the three (!) of us, it also gives baby some time to let daddy feel her kicks. Lately, however, we've been feeling "movement" -- which may sound strange that it's actually different than a kick if you haven't felt it, but it's completely different. It's like you can feel her roll and change positions for a few seconds as her body slides across the inside of my tummy -- versus feeling her kicks for just a millisecond. It's completely amazing and breathtaking. It brings the reality of there being a person inside of me to an entirely new level. This has been, hands down, the most incredible experience so far of being pregnant.

Another neat thing that happened this week was that I had a dream about baby girl. Now, I've dreamt of her in the past -- but the last dream I had of her was that she was a banana with a huge, toothy grin filled with broken teeth. Weird, I know -- pregnancy lends itself to some odd stuff. Regardless, this dream was entirely different from that. This time, we were all in the hospital and baby had just been born. Now, for some reason, she definitely looked more like she was three months old than a newborn, but every dream has to have an odd element to it. Anyway, our sweet baby girl had big, blue eyes that looked just like mommy's. She looked like me, but not exactly like me -- which made it so much more real and believable that I wasn't just envisioning myself as her, if that makes sense. There wasn't much else to the dream, just that family came to visit and my husband had the best smile on his face. I cannot describe the amount of joy that bubbled over in my heart in that moment.
Miss Anything? Nothing! Baby girl, we love you!

Movement: Lots of movement -- and not just kicks, as mentioned previously. She's providing plenty of entertainment because we can see her kickboxing in there from the outside!

Food cravings: This week, it's been milk. A cold, cold glass of milk... mmmmm. And one thing I've ignored all pregnancy has been my craving for Jimmy John's because it's on the "no-no" list because of the deli meat. I decided to rebel last night after mass and indulged in a Slim #1.

Oh. My.

Upon leaving, I told the husband that I could eat another entire sandwich right then and there, it was that good.

I did notice that I was completely ravenous around nine last night, which resulted in having a malt and a slice of banana bread. Maybe this means the extreme hunger is kicking in?  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just a disinterest more so in some foods. We made malts last night because they sounded good to me for once in my pregnancy, but eating it provided far less joy than I had hoped. I've also been hoping to get in on the "BOGO 99 cents" blizzard deal at Dairy Queen (let's get real here: cheap blizzards + pregnant woman = perfect!), but I just don't have any desire to eat one because of the ice cream aspect.

Have you started to show yet: Yes! She's growing and so is mama!

Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our OB appointment tomorrow, child birth class on Tuesday evening and our next 4-D ultrasound in two weeks from tomorrow! Hoping to see a little girl who's growing perfectly tomorrow and in two weeks!

These appointments carry loads of excitement, but are never without a sliver of anxiety for me. I always fear something unseen will pop out at us -- this pregnancy has been so smooth and so easy for me, it's just hard to believe things can keep going so well. But I've thought that from the start, and the other shoe hasn't dropped yet. I definitely recognize my fears are entirely irrational and that she's fine in there, but I wouldn't be a mommy if I didn't worry about my baby, right? :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

26 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks today! But this post will review the past week in the 26-week boat.
Total weight gain/loss:
As of late in week 26, I weighed in at 116. Hooray for being at about a one pound a week gain for the past few weeks! My doctor will be pleased when I see her a week from today!

Maternity clothes? Just wearing a couple pair of maternity pants and relying otherwise on my BellaBand for my dress pants. All of my regular jeans fit pretty well, though they're starting to get a bit snug.

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: That sore upper back persists, but not as bad this week as in past weeks. My low back is starting to get a bit sore now when I stand for long periods of time (i.e. an hour... which isn't much time at all when you're a teacher. I don't know about any other teachers, but I never sit down when my kiddos are in the room!). My heavy dreaming has subsided for now, which I'm okay with. I'm still having REALLY weird (probably getting weirder, in fact), vivid dreams, but not to the point that I feel I'm not sleeping at night as I have the past few weeks. I've also found that I'm completely exhausted some nights. I definitely couldn't keep my eyes open at 9:00 one night and took a pre-sleep snooze before heading to bed for the night... I think I'm beginning to see what the third trimester will hold. Bring it on!
Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once a night usually.

Best moment this week: While at mass last week with my students, we offered a sign of peace to those around us as we always do, and a sweet girl in my class took me by surprise when she put her fingers practically in my belly button and said "Peace, baby". It was so stinkin' cute I could hardly contain myself.
Miss Anything? Aside from not being able to spend an absurd sum of dolla-dolla bills on the cute new spring clothes that are coming out, not one thing! I love this baby and I love being pregnant! I couldn't be more happy with my reason to not buy any clothes.

Movement: Baby has been moving like crazy lately! I've also had a handful of "rib kicks" lately. She's kicking every so often in just the right spot to give me a little 'jolt' . Strangely enough, it kind of hurts! I also kind of feel like her little feet are finding their way under my rib cage every so often. I've heard eventually their toes can get 'hooked' in between the ribs, which I don't think this is, but I think those little toes are getting up there. I also think I'm noticing what are possibly the hiccups. They feel a little too rhythmic to be kicks and last just a few moments.

Food cravings: After learning how naughty Oreos are from one of my student's moms
who is a dentist in town resulted in getting a scolding about it from my third graders, I can proudly say I've given up my Oreo addiction.

KIDDING. Yes, they may have a nice couple of teaspoons of sugar per cookie in them, but my student's mom told my students that we all need treats, so I won't feel bad. That being said, the usual suspects persist: Oreos, milk and PB & J sandwiches.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just a disinterest more so in some foods.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely... I laughed when I saw this week's pictures! She's growing, and I am along with her :)

Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Remember? That Wizard of Oz prequel is coming out this week! But even more exciting are the following: the END of the second trimester and the BEGINNING of the third trimester at the end of this week... woohoo! I can't BELIEVE how close we are to meeting this little sweet baby. Ninety-one days from today, she should be making her appearance... WOW! Also looking forward to our next OB appointment on Monday of next week. Can't wait to see you again, sweet baby girl!