Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm waiting...

So I mentioned a couple weeks back that I was just feeling... bored. Amazingly enough, just a few days after I said that, I got to see my niece and nephews and the sun came out, warming up the arctic-esque temperatures we've had for the past quarter of the year! And, amazingly enough, my "dissatisfied" (for a lack of a better word) feeling went away!

Unfortunately, it only lasted a couple of days and it's been a few weeks since then.

But don't think that means I'm back to being a big crab-apple! Instead, I'm feeling so grateful and so blessed that the end of winter completely snuck up on me... woohoo! And all of the puddles on the ground that resulted from the melting snow even make me excited! Hubby and I went home to visit our families over the weekend and I snagged the multi-colored polka dot rain boots my mother dear got me last year... and I've been able to wear them anytime I go outside (and, of course, changing into some more "appropriate" shoes when I arrive at school. But seriously, what kid wouldn't love a teacher that wears rain boots with her dress pants?). Naturally, the first thing I did when I slipped on my rain boots when we arrived back in Fargo was walk through the squishy, mushy grass and watch all the water that filled in where I took each step... and then enjoy the fact that my feet weren't getting the least bit wet : ) Nor were any of my shoes being wrecked!

However, I don't think the novelty of wearing my rubber rain boots and the excitement of the idea that spring is coming sometime will last a whole lot longer if all we have are cloudy, dreary, rainy days. Hopefully the forecasters in the area are right, though... they're forecasting yucky days just until the end of this week. After that... pure sunshine!

Maybe it'll even be time to break out the cute springy skirts and shirts and show some skin (and by skin, I mean calves and forearms... maybe biceps. Maybe. I'm an elementary school teacher, folks!). Whee spring!

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