Sunday, March 14, 2010

You are good

My past post was relatively complainey. Actually, I take that back. It was immensely complainey. Do I dislike the rain? Yes. Do I hate it? No. It's something God has made, and what He makes is good.

Why the change of heart?

One of my favorite CDs right now is "Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies" -- a beautiful compilation of soothing, calming praise and worship songs. And this evening while driving back to my apartment after being gone for the weekend, a song by Nichole Nordeman called "You Are Good" came on. The whole song touched me (as most of the songs on this album do), but one of the last verses felt especially directed toward me because it said,

"When it's dark and it's cold
And I can't feel my soul,
You are so good.
When the world is gone gray
And the rain's here to stay,
You are still good.

So with every breath I take in,
I'll tell You I am grateful again.
And the storm may swell
Even then, it's well
and You are good."

I need to remember to be grateful, even if I'm not getting my way -- even when it comes to the weather! And that no matter what, God is still so good. He has blessed me so, so, so much -- and no matter what happens, he is still good.

This last piece of the song is also so pertinent right now as my city heads into a week where everyone is on-edge, fearful of 500-year flood, round dos. Because even if the river swells and the city doesn't get its sandbags and levies placed or packed well enough to hold, God will still be good. No matter what, He will always provide.

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