Monday, February 1, 2010

Reason #81,409 why I love my husband...

[WARNING: sappy post ahead!]

He always refills the refrigerator with [my favorite!] Cherry Coke Zero when the current 12-pack runs out. To me, there's nothing worse (okay, there's a lot of things worse... but I like being dramatic sometimes) than having to drink warm pop. But hubby always notices when the box is empty (even when I don't!) and puts a new pack in its place. It's a simple, delightful, thoughtful, loving gesture that reminds me that he loves me. Which sounds silly, but I think it's true.

I once read an article in one of my mom's magazines (confession -- guilty pleasure: reading her magazines, i.e., Ladies Home Journal, Real Simple, Better Homes and Gardens...) where, for a while, a woman went on and on about how her husband didn't show her that he loved her very often. However, eventually she realized that it wasn't that he wasn't showing his love -- he was, but just in little ways that she was overlooking. One example she gave was that he always put gas in her car. She didn't ever ask him to -- he just did it. It's those little things that let a spouse know that the other cares and is thinking of them.

And come to think of it, not only does my hubby keep the fridge stocked with my favorite pop -- he also always pumps the gas. Which isn't something I ask for, but is something I so appreciate. Especially when we live in the arctic tundra. So scratch "81,409"... we're now up to "81,410" and counting.

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