Sunday, February 21, 2010

Allow me to introduce the latest member of our teensy tiny apartment family...

As mentioned previously, my mom and I went shopping over President's/Valentine's weekend. We stopped by a favorite store of ours that has all these cute little homey things and spied a perfect little stand with three wicker baskets in it. Why 'perfect'? Because, you see, in our apartment, we have a very small space next to our front door where one could fit some piece of furniture that could serve as a place to put keys, mail, hats and gloves... so we've been searching for some time for a piece that would fit there. Unfortunately, in the six months of searching since we've moved in, we had yet to find something that would fit the dimensions we were bound to. That is, until we found this one. And, the lucky girl that I am, my sweet mother offered to get it for us : ) And I can't tell you how grateful we are!

Prior to having this little gem in our apartment, our kitchen table always had hats, gloves, keys, mail, and other odds 'n ends laying on it. It looked cluttered. And I hate clutter [yuck]. Now, however, we don't have that problem.

Now, hubby gets one drawer for his things.

And I get one drawer for my things...

And the bottom basket? Well, I suppose I can share. But this is somewhat of a secret stash... if you look very, very closely at the picture of the whole piece of furniture, you will notice that the bottom basket is where I keep something very important to me. Something I just bought the day after Valentine's...

My all-time, absolute favorite candy ever!! That's right, I am an addict. Whipped Creme Chocolate Hearts, baby. They also happen to sell them around Christmastime, only in Santa form (except it looks more like a blob than a Santa-shape). And around Easter, in the shape of an egg. However, these delicious little treats are nowhere to be found in the off-season... so why not stock up on them when they're 50% off at your local Fleet Farm on the day after their respective holiday?

So maybe you're wondering exactly how many of those little nummies I purchased.


I may [or may not] have purchased 48 of them.

Which should be enough to last me until the next wave of whipped cream deliciousness -- Easter.

Om nom nom.

Anyway, enough about special holiday goodies. The point is, I have heard my hubby comment on numerous occasions how much he loves our new piece of furniture. In the morning now, I don't go searching for my keys in the mess on the kitchen table (which no longer has to exist anyway!) because I know they'll be located on top of my new little stand. And junk mail is no longer piling up where we should be eating our supper at 6:00 p.m. each night.

Oh my dear little stand. How blissful you have made our lives. Whee!

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