Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Forty Nine Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing around 18 pounds.

Sleep: Sleep is really good lately, usually giving us full, through-the-night, sleeps.

Medical Issues: Feeling good :)

Clothes: Starting to put away most of Lizzie's three to six month clothing and taking out all of the nine month/six to 12 month clothing.  She's still wearing her three to six month jammies, though :)

Socialite!: Lizzie got to spend some time with more cousins over the weekend! Rachel and Michael, who happens to be just a few weeks younger than Lizzie, came to visit. Lizzie and Michael don't do a lot of interacting together, but they do a lot of "parallel play" (tapping into my CDFS degree for that term ;)).

Diet: I continue to be amazed at our fabulous eater! We had fajitas earlier in the week, and girlfriend gobbled up everything -- including the red and yellow peppers and the onions! It was awesome.

In terms of milk, Lizzie has been a tank lately -- eating eight ounce bottles at night before bed and also first thing in the morning. Typically, she's a four-ounce per feeding baby. Growth spurt maybe?

She's also been increasingly interested in drinking the same milk I am lately. She seems to like it, which is good since we'll be transitioning to cow's milk in just a couple of weeks. We've been working on drinking out of a straw for a few weeks now, and girlfriend has finally seemed to grasp that concept :) 

Baby Gear Love: Still loving "pets" that she can hold in her hand -- that little "baby" rubber duck, her little stuffed octopus and little stuffed giraffe

Still loving books. She cries when we put them back on the shelf at bedtime!

Crying: Lizzie is such a happy babe. She only cries when she's hungry or tired.
Mommy News: Not much on the Mommy front after the "excitement" (not fun excitement, but excitement nonetheless). I did end up needing a D & C this week after my pregnancy,  but I feel fine and everything went "well" (as well as things can go when you have to go through the whole, miscarrying, thing). So at this point, just planning that first birthday party and appreciating every second with my little  miracle.

Milestones: Learned to drink out of a straw!

Given up on army crawling almost completely :)

Starting to stand on our own!

Cruising around EVERYTHING like it's her job! She's ready to get anywhere, whether it's by crawling or walking along the couch, ottoman, cabinets :)

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