Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Forty Five Weeks Old!

Weight: Right around 17 pounds at the moment.
Sleep: Sleep still continues to be a sticking point for Lizzie since she had her nasty illness a few weeks ago. She's lost her beautiful sleeping-through-the-night habits and has traded them in for waking at least once, sometimes twice or three times each night -- and it's not a quick, pacifier in, type of up, either; oh no, it's a full-blown, rock me back to sleep thing. But to be fair, I think we're having a pretty big growth spurt right now, because she's been doing her "hungry cry" when she wakes in the middle of the night, which we haven't heard in quite a long time, really. Here's to hoping it ends soon and we can go back to sleeping eight hours straight :)

Medical Issues: We are now feeling great! Hooray!
Clothes: We're in three to six month clothes and three to six month jammies!
Socialite!: Hanging out with daycare friends, seeing Auntie Jenny who was home visiting from college, Auntie Desiree, Uncle Jake, and cousins Mykenna, Noah and Brayden for a short time over the weekend, and hanging out with Great Grandma and Grandpa, a couple of second cousins and a Great Aunt and Uncle (whew!) over the weekend :) Girlfriend joined a group of girls on my side of the family on Saturday for a day of shopping, eating and painting (we did the Paint Pub thing SO fun!) and was amazing all day long. She's a great shopper and is always so content. We're so lucky to have such a sweet baby!

Diet: Lizzie is in love with pineapple, bananas and sweet potatoes lately. We have to be careful not to let her see bananas especially, even if they're just sitting on the counter or at the grocery story -- she's an animal! She seems to be a big fan of cheese lately, and certainly can't get enough pizza. I'm always cautious on giving her too much of each of those, just because of sodium content -- regardless, she eats ANYTHING and everything we put in front of her basically. Last night, she ate half of a four ounce pork chop (cut up, of course :)), quite a few sweet potatoes and green beans, red cherries, raspberries, pineapple and blackberries. She is a TANK.

As I said previously, I think we've got a growth spurt going on. Girlfriend is eating like it's her job, both table food and milk. She's been guzzling eight ounce bottles pretty frequently, and even took 12 (!) ounces before bed one night and proceeded to wake up in the middle of the night to eat again. Wowza.

Baby Gear Love: Loves anything that makes a good "rattling" sound :) She's also a big fan of her B. One Two Squeeze Blocks. She'll come to destroy any tower we make and gladly lay claim to a few blocks and chew on them :)

Crying: Lizzie is such a happy babe. She only cries when she's hungry or tired.
Mommy News: Only seven or so Mondays left before we're on summer break and girlfriend and I can hang out all day, every day! Love it. I'm in the process of planning her birthday party as well, making lots of decorations and Pinterest inspired things :)

I also celebrated my first birthday with Lizzie out of my tummy today :) Andy asked what my best birthday so far has been -- he was wondering if it was this year, since she's finally here :)

Milestones: BIG news! We have a mover on our hands. Girlfriend finally opted to start army crawling out of nowhere. She's still not the happiest of campers about doing so, but she's starting to realize that she can get things she wants if she'll do it. I think that once she realizes the "power" she has now that she can crawl, we'll be in for some trouble… :) She did make the connection the other day that to get closer to me, she could crawl to a chair, pull herself up on it, cruise along it and then walk to the end table next to it, so that was pretty awesome.

I also swear she says "all done" -- I've heard it a few times at exactly the right moments. Of course, when I try to prompt her to say it, she won't, but she's definitely done it when she's finished eating a few times.

We're still loving books, with a select few as her favorites. She loves Llama, Llama books, books with flaps and books with babies in them (it's adorable -- she smiles at them and jabbers at them when she looks through the books).

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