Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Forty Seven Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing between 17 and 18 pounds.
Sleep: Sleep is improving this week -- we're now getting our full nights again :) Yahoo!

Medical Issues: Feeling good :) Although I think she's got a cold coming on and might be teething a bit. We've got some odd diapers and, at times, a refusal to eat for no apparent reason and I think there's a little bump on the top left side of her gums. We still have ZERO teeth, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Clothes: We're in three to six month clothes and three to six month jammies! 

Socialite!: Hanging out with daycare friends!

Diet: Loves everything, especially sweet potatoes, pineapple and kiwi. It seems that the more flavor something has, the more she loves it. I made turkey burgers last night with onions and green onions mixed in, and she DEVOURED it. Love to see my baby girl being such a good eater! So proud! Sometimes I think she'd just keep eating if I didn't limit her, though :) I guess my cooking is just that delicious ;)

It seems she thinks the food off my plate would taste better than that on her tray, even though they tend to be the exact same thing, so I do tend to find myself sharing part of my meal with her some nights ;)

Baby Gear Love: Books, books books! She loves them. She'll go pick some out and choose favorites of those to read over and over and over again. It's adorable. She's starting to really react to the books, too -- she'll laugh and squeal at certain parts/pictures of the books :) And over the weekend, she couldn't get enough of some little stuffed octopus with big, pretty eyes that my niece and nephews have. She didn't really play with it necessarily, but she just had to hold onto it.

Crying: Lizzie is such a happy babe. She only cries when she's hungry or tired.
Mommy News: (Note: I don't mention any of this for pity or attention. As always, these posts are written for me and for Lizzie, to remember these days. If you don't like it, skip it.)
It's been a very difficult few days for this momma. The day after I turned 27, we learned I was expecting a new baby brother or sister for Lizzie! We were over-the-moon excited! And I honestly believed with my whole heart that everything would be perfect and before Christmastime, we'd be a family of FOUR! I had no reason to think otherwise -- I've miscarried once before Lizzie, but had RPL testing done and everything came back perfectly, so I had no reason to suspect things wouldn't go as well as they did for my pregnancy with Lizzie. Unfortunately, we learned over the weekend that this sweet baby that we already came to love so much, would not join us here on Earth in our family.

So we mourn. And we grieve. And it's been hard. Like, really hard. And I find myself wondering, "how did I get through it the first time?" because I'm completely devastated and broken.

Lizzie is such a ray of sunshine and such a little miracle for us and I am so grateful to have her -- I don't know how I'd be getting up each day if it weren't for her right now. On Saturday after we found out, I was lying on our bed, crying, and Andy brought Lizzie in. She smiled, laid down next to me, then sat up and gave me a kiss. It was the sweetest thing ever. 

She would have been such a wonderful big sister to that baby. But she still will be. Just not before Christmastime.

I know how blessed we are, truly, to have Lizzie. Still, this loss just aches -- and I wish it would stop. But, as I remember from last time, it doesn't. And it won't. And that's just how pregnancy loss goes, sadly. I saw a quote recently that said something like, "It hurts because it mattered." I think that made me feel better, helped me to recognize why I hurt so much from it. Because it mattered. Because my baby, Lizzie's sibling, mattered.

Milestones: We are chatting up a storm! It's like she's learned a hundred new sounds this week. We're hearing a lot of the "n" sound lately, which is new, and she's become extremely fond of the "d" sound.

We've also become more and more talented at standing unassisted -- not that she's doing it all that often, but when we can slip one of our hands away from her, she can sometimes stand for five or ten seconds if she doesn't realize it.

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