Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fifty Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing around 18 pounds. 

Sleep: Sleep is really good lately, usually giving us full, through-the-night, sleeps.

Medical Issues: Feeling good :)

Clothes: Wearing six to 12 month clothes (still a little big!) and three-to-six month jammies. 

Socialite!: Just hanging out with our daycare friends lately :)

Diet: Girlfriend is crazy for milk as in, regular milk. No, it's not replacing formula -- though it will (in whole-milk form)  as of Monday the 12th (her first birthday!). She drinks it out of her mason jar mug with a straw that she got for Easter in her basket. It is toooooo cute!

We also LOVE raspberries! Can't get enough. I've noticed lately that she seems to like her fruits the most, veggies in second place, and typically the "main course" in third place. She typically cleans her tray, so it doesn't really matter -- but she does seem to eat things in that order. She now requests all of her food on her tray at one time -- I used to hold the fruit back until everything else was finished because she wouldn't eat anything else otherwise. Now, however, she'll definitely eat her fruit first (and then point at the fruit on our plates later in order to "request" more, after hers is all gone… :)), but she'll finish eating everything else afterward. Here's to hoping this "clean plate club" and the love of veggies and all thing flavorful continues into toddlerhood! (Seriously? Did I just say "toddlerhood"? I can't believe my girl is so big!)

Baby Gear Love: We just got a bike trailer for Lizzie to sit in, and unfortunately, the weather hasn't been too great for it at this point; however, the two times she has gotten a little ride in it, she's loved it. She waves and is all smiles while she rides in it :)

Crying: Lizzie is such a happy babe. She only cries when she's hungry or tired.
Mommy News: Unfortunately, my miscarriage nightmare didn't end last week with my D & C. Instead, it seems not everything was "gotten" with that surgery -- so I had to go back and have a hysteroscopy and D & C performed again this week. What. A. Nightmare. But, praise God, all went well and everything is fine now. I'm so ready to put the past few weeks behind me.

From this point on, just looking forward! Just a few weeks left of school and girlfriend's birthday bash this weekend :) Can't believe she'll be one year old in less than a week! (Yes, this is her 50-week post yes, I am a week behind :))

Milestones: Lizzie can walk behind a walker, one-handed these days :) She's got that "look" in her eye, that she wants to let go of things and just try taking some steps, but it's almost like she thinks better of it before she actually does it. 

I swear she's saying, "woof, woof" at times when she sees dogs. She's saying "raaar" more and more, too :)

Last night, she did say "uh-oh!" It was adorable (I think every parent thinks most anything their child does is adorable at this age)!

Her sense of humor is really coming out -- girlfriend will offer us different objects, and just before we take them from her, she'll pull them away and laugh hysterically :) I just love it!

She's doing this funny thing now, too, where she'll throw her head back and laugh uncontrollably at the tiniest thing. Just about everything is funny to this girl!

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