Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 Weeks!

How far along? 31 weeks, two days today, but this will be recapping week 30. I know I'm pretty late in posting this week, but we moved over the weekend and didn't get internet access back until today, so I have a good excuse for my tardiness!
Total weight gain/loss:
GREAT news. Yesterday I weighed in at 119 -- woohoo! That's a total gain of 12 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Starting to feel like I'm finally getting big enough for some of my maternity tops, so I've enjoyed wearing those :) Also wearing a few maternity pants, but otherwise sticking with my BellaBand and regular pants. Still have four pair of pants that fit without the BellaBand!

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Emotional to the max, my friends. It's interesting, because the more emotional I become, you would think the more impatient I would become with my students. Not so! Those little third graders are some little people I have buckets of patience for it seems. Maybe I use it all up during the day, so when I get home I can't hold myself together anymore. It's really not that bad, but I did cry on account of my husband being on the phone with CenturyLink customer service for 30 minutes the other night. So it's not that I'm crabby emotional -- just weepy emotional. Aside from that, I'm noticing more low back pain and many urges to use the little girl's room throughout the day.
Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet baby's face at our "big" ultrasound last Monday! She is growing beautifully. You may remember that I have a marginal cord insertion, which poses a threat to baby being provided with enough nutrients to grow at an appropriate pace. Not so for our sweet baby! She was weighing in at an estimated 3 pounds, 3 ounces last week, which is right on track for 30 weeks. Everything is measuring almost exactly on-date, which eased mama's mind wonderfully. We also got to see her in 4-D again, and she looked so much more filled out this time around. Unfortunately she was blocking her face with both arms and hands, as well as her FEET! Yes, our sweet baby even had her heels up by her forehead :) Apparently she's a little gymnast! Regardless, we were able to sneak a peek at half of her face at a time, and we've decided that she's got mommy's nose and daddy's lips.
Miss Anything? Not one thing :)

Movement: I am loving the movement rather than kicks that she's blessing me with right now. She makes these huge movements that allow us to see some body part (heel? Elbow? Butt?) drag from one side of my tummy to another. I am also noticing that I can feel kind of a hard spot in my belly at all times of the day, and if I rest my hand there for just a few seconds, it moves and I can tell it was her there. It's more amazing than one can ever imagine. She also has a tendency to get the hiccups... which she has as I type this out :)

Food cravings: The orange juice and milk cravings continue! I seem to be having a turn-off to pop lately, too, which is definitely a new thing for me. I'm finding that I'm heading back in the direction of "nothing sounds good to me" again. Dang.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really making me sick, but again, just not finding anything overly appetizing really.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Belly Button in or out? That belly button is still in! But the ridge on top is getting tighter and bigger.
Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but emotional in the weepy sense.

Looking forward to: Our doctor appointment next Monday at 32 weeks and my baby shower coming up in a few Saturdays!

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