Monday, April 15, 2013

32 Weeks!

How far along? 33 weeks today, but this will review my week at 32 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:
I guess I'm holding steady at 120 this week. Disappointing, to say the least. Thus an increase in snacks yet again!

Maternity clothes? Still utilizing both maternity and non-maternity items. I am finding slowly that a lot of my non-maternity tops are starting to become too short, which means lots of tugging on them throughout the day -- which is pretty annoying, so I've had to mentally retire a few more items for the time being. I'm trying not to buy anything else as far as maternity clothes go, since I only have seven weeks left (WOW)!

Stretch marks? Still none :) Could these good genes from my momma be help me dodge the dreaded mommy marks? We'll see...
Symptoms: That upper back pain persists, my friends! Especially on the right side. I did do a bit of asking Dr. Google what might cause that, and it sounds like it could be due to a pinched nerve caused by compression on my ribs. Not sure if that's true, but it might make a little sense. It's worst when I sit, but lately even standing doesn't seem to alleviate it. I've also noticed an increase in times I have to use the little lady's room, especially throughout the night. Case in point: last night I woke up three times to go, and I still had to go right away when I woke up!
Sleep: Still going well. I have yet to get the dreaded third-trimester insomnia (which, according to my weekly updates from, plagues 75% of mommies-to-be!) -- could it be that I'm dodging yet another pregnancy bullet? Let's hope so, and let's hope I didn't just jinx it. Stay tuned.

Best moment this week: Ordering a dress for my baby shower that's coming up in a couple of weeks! I had found it on Asos a few weeks ago, and it sold out SUPER fast in all sizes. So I lurked around the website, hoping maybe all those people who ordered it would have to return it. Sure enough, I was lucky enough to spot it in my size for just a split second and was quick enough to get it! They must not have had many, because after my order went through, my size was sold out. Anyway, it's working its way across the ocean to be with me. Hoping it fits!

Also, we've hit a major milestone: I can officially rest glasses of juice on my growing belly. Let's just say photos were taken to document this epic feat of teamwork between baby and me :)

We also finished up our last child birth class last week. We were disappointed to have the classes be over, but it's nice to not have to go out at night after we get home from work. What I liked about this last week's class was we watched the movie "The Happiest Baby on the Block", which is about how to calm your fussy baby. I read the book very early in my pregnancy and loved it. It reminded me of a lot of things my brother and sister-in-law did when they had their twins -- whether or not they read it, I'm not sure, but they had some of the strategies down. Anyway, it was a cool video to watch because it was like magic. I think we'd better start practicing the swaddle to at least have that "S" down before baby arrives... Anyway, if you're curious about what makes this guy so awesome, watch this video. I am just in awe of how fast this little baby calms down when he does a couple of his tricks.

Miss Anything? Nothing! We are so in love with every wiggle this sweet peanut makes.

And I guess, maybe I miss one thing: my sanity! I worry non-stop about my precious baby girl. Is she moving enough? Growing enough? Am I growing enough to show that she's growing enough? But, as I've mentioned before... I'm sure the worrying doesn't quit when she arrives.
Movement: Lots of it! While watching my tummy bounce all over the place from her kicks, Andy informed me that not only can you see her move on the upper part of my stomach, but also on the underside of it. Of course, I wouldn't know that, because I have no idea what the underside of my tummy looks like these days because I can't see underneath it! Mommy-vision is, apparently, somewhat limited :) Anyway, her movements get crazier and crazier. We love feeling her drag her little body across my tummy. I've been trying to guess what part of her body it is lately, and it's pretty entertaining (
yes, I know that's lame. But I'm her mommy! So it's fun for me)!

Food cravings: Anything jalapeno, to be honest, which is kind of weird for me. Today I even bought some kind of spicy salsa Wheat Thins -- totally out of my norm, but apparently I'm feeling dangerous while pregnant.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. I just have no desire to eat anything ice cream, chocolate + peanut butter combination, and most anything pizza-related. The weird thing about the pizza distaste, though, is that it sounds bad and gives me a queasy feeling until it's sitting right in front of me -- then I think it looks delish. Weird.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
  Although I keep worrying that I'm not growing from week to week, which makes me really anxious about her growth. Andy says I'm crazy. And I'm thinking he's right; after all, my belly is brushing against the pew in front of me in mass now when we kneel, which it has never done until this Sunday. And, if I'm totally honest with you, I've also resorted to excessively measuring around my belly to see what the distance is so I can have some concrete evidence that my tummy is, indeed, growing. Anyway, as of yesterday, my tummy was measuring around 34 1/2 inches. Now, I hadn't planned on measuring today because I'm trying to be less crazy. However, Andy told me my belly looks huge today, so I decided, what the heck  -- I'll be a little nuts today and measure anyway! So where are we today? Measuring in at almost 35 1/2 inches around! Hopefully it wasn't a flukey food baby measurement, but I don't think a person gets food babies while pregnant. Regardless, I was a happy momma.

Belly Button in or out? She's still in! Getting pulled a little tighter, though!
Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but feeling that anxiety about baby that I've mentioned about nine hundred times today. I'm not feeling super emotional anymore, which I'm happy about, too.

Looking forward to: Our 34-week check-up next week on Monday!

(Sidenote: My doctor ran in the Boston Marathon today, so for a moment the worry about my baby switched over to worrying about my doctor and whether or not she was okay because of the bombing there. All is well and Dr. S. is just fine, but regardless, my heart still hurts for those people affected by those events. Take a few minutes to say a few prayers for them tonight before you go to bed.)

Anyway, I've been eagerly looking forward to my next appointment since I left her office last week at our 32-week check-up, actually. These visits can't come soon enough for me! 

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