Monday, March 25, 2013

29 weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks today! But recapping, so this post will review week 29.
Total weight gain/loss:
Lovely news! I've gained back the pound I lost last week and am back up at 117 :) I'd much prefer if I'd have seen 118 on the scale, but I'm working on it.
Trying to add more snacks in wherever and whenever I have time (and tummy space!) and drinking more 100% fruit juices, because liquids seem to take up less of that coveted tummy space that fills up too quickly lately!

Maternity clothes? I've broken out a few maternity tops and am really appreciating them for the extra length. I don't have to worry about pulling them down, which I'm loving. Still wearing my normal pants, unzipped and unzipped with a BellaBand covering that secret, as well as wearing a few maternity pants.

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Emotions! I am a ticking time-bomb. Yesterday at Palm Sunday mass when the kids processed in carrying palms and I saw some of my third graders walking with the crowd and they waved at me and gave me big, sweet grins, I just about lost it! Not to mention, I also self-diagnosed myself with two deadly forms of cancer over the weekend and spent some time crying about that, naturally, because it makes so much sense. It could be that I'm just naturally that crazy, but I am going to blame some of this partially on pregnancy hormones. 

Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Getting a tour of the birthing center at our hospital at child birth class this week! It was awesome and made me ridiculously excited to have this little peanut. After we finished the tour, all I could think was, "We can't do this for two more months!? But I'm ready now!" Not one bit of it freaked me out (except for the whole episiotimy thing... if you don't know it, look it up. It's too terrifying for me to explain). The husband, on the other hand, is less thrilled by the whole, "labor and delivery" part of things. Poor guy. He's got a few months to get used to it yet :)

Anyway, it was very neat. It got me thinking about what kind of delivery I want and how incredible the whole thing will be. Am I wearing rose colored glasses, mamas out there who have done this before? I know it'll be hard (and likely quite painful, but that's what an epidural is for, right!?), but I just feel so blessed to have this opportunity. 
Miss Anything? Not one thing :)

Movement: Sweet girl is moving like a crazy woman in there! A few nights this week, we got to watch her roll around in my tummy more than ever before. It is so unbelievable to watch your tummy "roll" as baby drags an elbow or foot across it. There are times, too, that she kicks so hard that I wonder if other people can see it! I was at mass yesterday morning and did the first reading and a piece of the Gospel, and baby girl kicked harder than she's ever kicked before, and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone in the congregation noticed... likely not, but that's okay. It was just between us, then :)

Food cravings: Orange juice and milk have been my loves lately. The Oreo and Jimmy John's hankering have passed for now... but I don't think they're gone for good. We will see.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah, but sometimes I feel queezy when I think about eating because I'm just not hungry because I've been eating so frequently.

Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Belly Button in or out? Still in! That little ridge around the top is getting more prominent, but I don't honestly think we're going to get an outie in this pregnancy. That deep abyss is just too much to reverse!

Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But anxious and emotional lately as well...

Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet peanut! You are so loved already, EKB!


1 comment:

  1. Labor and delivery is amazing! :) One of the best experiences in life I believe. I've had two deliveries with the epidural, and two (well, two labors, three deliveries: twins!) completely natural. I much preferred delivering with no drugs- the recovery was so much easier! However, being able to laugh and "relax" through my first two labors was nice as well. Pros and cons to both! Either way- I'm super excited for you!!
