Monday, April 22, 2013

33 Weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks today, but this will review my time while 33 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss:
I'm up a pound this week to 121 pounds, which I'm happy with because I was incredibly nauseous and couldn't stomach the thought of eating anything on Friday. I force-fed myself a number of times, but I probably ate half of what I normally try to eat now that I'm pregnant. Let's just say I was very pleased that when I awoke Saturday morning, my tummy was hungry again for the first time since Thursday :)

Maternity clothes? I know I say I always wear my same pants with my BellaBand, but truth be told that I really don't have that much for maternity pants as far as teacher clothes go. I have one pair of dress pants, so that really limits me to relying on my BellaBand. If the weather would warm up and seem at least a little like the mid-to-end of April, I would break out a couple of other pairs of maternity pants that I bought to wear to work and at home (colored skinny pants that I love). Anyway, it's supposed to warm up soon, so I should be starting to break out a few more things -- both shirts and pants -- that are maternity. Which is good, because I'm needing them now! My shirts are definitely becoming a bit short...

Stretch marks? Not one exists as of yet!
Symptoms: The discomforts of carrying around a four and a half pound basketball are starting to make themselves known. Upper and lower back pain come and go, and I'm starting to have a little bit of acid reflux. As mentioned previously, using the little girl's room often has been something I've gotten accustomed to; last week one night I woke five times. Five! I'm also noticing that my body is just tired out. My mind feels awake, but the physical part of me is dragging some days. Today I also realized that I no longer walk as fast as I once did :) I took my students down the hallway to the library and started walking with them near the upper-middle part of the line. By the time we got to the library, I was trailing at least 10-feet behind them :) Not sure if I'm waddling yet (I've been told not), but I certainly don't have the same "get up and go" that I did just a few weeks ago!
Sleep: Still no complaints! Most nights I'm getting a full night's sleep, only waking to go to the bathroom however many times my body needs.

Best moment this week: Having one of my sister-in-laws call me and tell me she found a Boppy and a Bumbo for wicked cheap and in pretty much pristine condition at a rummage sale! I was super excited about that, because those are spendy items! And we also recieved our stroller as a gift from my brother and sister-in-law, so that was pretty exciting, too :)

Also, having kids, coworkers and strangers mention how big I'm looking. It honestly makes my day when people tell me that they can see I'm really getting big. I'm hopping on the honesty train for a minute: at my last appointment (32-weeks), my doctor measured my fundal height at 26-weeks. This likely means nothing to many, but to those mommies out there, you know what this means. The fundal height is the measurement from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus. It should roughly correspond with however many weeks along you are, within a two-week range. If you're not within that two-week range, one would suspect that baby isn't growing how he/she should. So when my doctor measured me at 26-weeks while I was 32-weeks, I became a slight basketcase. Truthfully, this was completely unwarranted, because my doctor also measured baby on an ultrasound after that, and she came out just fine. But regardless, it really bothered me. So I spent the majority of the last two weeks before today's appointment obsessing about whether or not my tummy is growing (tummy growth = baby growth). Therefore, when people told me I was looking especially pregnant, I was incredibly satisfied :)

Of course, the best best best part of the week therefore, was today's 34-week appointment (I know I'm cheating, because technically my 34-week appointment happened in week 34 and this is to review week 33, but I'll share anyway). Today we saw sweet baby's profile view (love that little nose!) and I was measuring in at 32-weeks as far as fundal-height goes. Which is perfect! It's within that two-week zone and is six weeks beyond where we were last time. So she is growing, and I am growing, and my husband who claims my tummy gets bigger all the time is right.

Miss Anything? Not a thing :) Except maybe not having to eat walnuts. I've been eating them since we found out I was pregnant because of the Omega-3's in them that help brain development and I hate them. Six more weeks!
Movement: Plenty of it! Today I noticed that when I push on her, she will sometimes push back :) And I can also tell she's grown because she'll push on me on the left side and the right side simultaneously. So either she's getting a lot bigger or she's an octopus baby. I'm going with option A.

Food cravings: Nothing, really. What a boring preggo!

Anything making you queasy or sick: On Friday when I was nauseous, everything. Since then I've been fine. But like last week. I just have no desire to eat anything ice cream, chocolate + peanut butter combination, and most anything pizza.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! My dad told me this weekend that I looked like I was about to burst, and a student of mine told me today that I am really pregnant :) Love it!

Belly Button in or out? Still in! But the hubs and I are weirdos, and we did notice that the bottom of my never-ending-pit-belly button is visible now. It was crazy. Not sure if I'll be an outie by the time the next six weeks are up, though...
Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but as always, anxious about everything being okay in there!

Looking forward to: My baby shower this Saturday :) Can't WAIT! And for our 36-week fancy ultrasound, where they will officially check baby girl's growth again, due to my marginal cord insertion.

(Sidenote: don't ask me what the heck a "durian fruit" is. Your guess is as good as mine!)


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