Monday, March 4, 2013

26 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks today! But this post will review the past week in the 26-week boat.
Total weight gain/loss:
As of late in week 26, I weighed in at 116. Hooray for being at about a one pound a week gain for the past few weeks! My doctor will be pleased when I see her a week from today!

Maternity clothes? Just wearing a couple pair of maternity pants and relying otherwise on my BellaBand for my dress pants. All of my regular jeans fit pretty well, though they're starting to get a bit snug.

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: That sore upper back persists, but not as bad this week as in past weeks. My low back is starting to get a bit sore now when I stand for long periods of time (i.e. an hour... which isn't much time at all when you're a teacher. I don't know about any other teachers, but I never sit down when my kiddos are in the room!). My heavy dreaming has subsided for now, which I'm okay with. I'm still having REALLY weird (probably getting weirder, in fact), vivid dreams, but not to the point that I feel I'm not sleeping at night as I have the past few weeks. I've also found that I'm completely exhausted some nights. I definitely couldn't keep my eyes open at 9:00 one night and took a pre-sleep snooze before heading to bed for the night... I think I'm beginning to see what the third trimester will hold. Bring it on!
Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once a night usually.

Best moment this week: While at mass last week with my students, we offered a sign of peace to those around us as we always do, and a sweet girl in my class took me by surprise when she put her fingers practically in my belly button and said "Peace, baby". It was so stinkin' cute I could hardly contain myself.
Miss Anything? Aside from not being able to spend an absurd sum of dolla-dolla bills on the cute new spring clothes that are coming out, not one thing! I love this baby and I love being pregnant! I couldn't be more happy with my reason to not buy any clothes.

Movement: Baby has been moving like crazy lately! I've also had a handful of "rib kicks" lately. She's kicking every so often in just the right spot to give me a little 'jolt' . Strangely enough, it kind of hurts! I also kind of feel like her little feet are finding their way under my rib cage every so often. I've heard eventually their toes can get 'hooked' in between the ribs, which I don't think this is, but I think those little toes are getting up there. I also think I'm noticing what are possibly the hiccups. They feel a little too rhythmic to be kicks and last just a few moments.

Food cravings: After learning how naughty Oreos are from one of my student's moms
who is a dentist in town resulted in getting a scolding about it from my third graders, I can proudly say I've given up my Oreo addiction.

KIDDING. Yes, they may have a nice couple of teaspoons of sugar per cookie in them, but my student's mom told my students that we all need treats, so I won't feel bad. That being said, the usual suspects persist: Oreos, milk and PB & J sandwiches.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just a disinterest more so in some foods.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely... I laughed when I saw this week's pictures! She's growing, and I am along with her :)

Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Remember? That Wizard of Oz prequel is coming out this week! But even more exciting are the following: the END of the second trimester and the BEGINNING of the third trimester at the end of this week... woohoo! I can't BELIEVE how close we are to meeting this little sweet baby. Ninety-one days from today, she should be making her appearance... WOW! Also looking forward to our next OB appointment on Monday of next week. Can't wait to see you again, sweet baby girl!

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