Sunday, March 10, 2013

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks, six days. Last day of the second trimester... WOW!
Total weight gain/loss:
Holding steady this week at 116. I was disappointed in this, and am hoping to pick up another half pound by the time I see my OB tomorrow morning. I want to show off and have her be impressed at how well I've been gaining weight this last month -- almost a pound a week, whoo!

Maternity clothes? Stickin' to that BellaBand most of the time. Up until this week, my jeans and a few of my dress pants have worked without the BellaBand. For some, those days are over; for others, days of life sans BellaBand are numbered! This belly is growing out and up and down, so even low rise pants won't work for much longer!

Stretch marks? None to speak of!
Symptoms: Just waking to go to the bathroom one or two times each night. I've been having, just barely, some acid reflux after eating bananas lately. It's pretty minor, but is something I hadn't experienced since the first trimester. I'm also noticing "mini" charlie horses most nights; it's like I feel them coming on in my sleep, so I really quick stretch my calf muscles, and it dissipates. My upper back continues to be a bit sore some days when sitting, so I've been trying the pillow between the legs trick while I sleep, which his surprisingly comortable.

Sleep: Going well still! Just waking to go to the bathroom once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week: Every night before going to bed, we take turns saying a special prayer for baby girl. Aside from being a special moment for the three (!) of us, it also gives baby some time to let daddy feel her kicks. Lately, however, we've been feeling "movement" -- which may sound strange that it's actually different than a kick if you haven't felt it, but it's completely different. It's like you can feel her roll and change positions for a few seconds as her body slides across the inside of my tummy -- versus feeling her kicks for just a millisecond. It's completely amazing and breathtaking. It brings the reality of there being a person inside of me to an entirely new level. This has been, hands down, the most incredible experience so far of being pregnant.

Another neat thing that happened this week was that I had a dream about baby girl. Now, I've dreamt of her in the past -- but the last dream I had of her was that she was a banana with a huge, toothy grin filled with broken teeth. Weird, I know -- pregnancy lends itself to some odd stuff. Regardless, this dream was entirely different from that. This time, we were all in the hospital and baby had just been born. Now, for some reason, she definitely looked more like she was three months old than a newborn, but every dream has to have an odd element to it. Anyway, our sweet baby girl had big, blue eyes that looked just like mommy's. She looked like me, but not exactly like me -- which made it so much more real and believable that I wasn't just envisioning myself as her, if that makes sense. There wasn't much else to the dream, just that family came to visit and my husband had the best smile on his face. I cannot describe the amount of joy that bubbled over in my heart in that moment.
Miss Anything? Nothing! Baby girl, we love you!

Movement: Lots of movement -- and not just kicks, as mentioned previously. She's providing plenty of entertainment because we can see her kickboxing in there from the outside!

Food cravings: This week, it's been milk. A cold, cold glass of milk... mmmmm. And one thing I've ignored all pregnancy has been my craving for Jimmy John's because it's on the "no-no" list because of the deli meat. I decided to rebel last night after mass and indulged in a Slim #1.

Oh. My.

Upon leaving, I told the husband that I could eat another entire sandwich right then and there, it was that good.

I did notice that I was completely ravenous around nine last night, which resulted in having a malt and a slice of banana bread. Maybe this means the extreme hunger is kicking in?  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just a disinterest more so in some foods. We made malts last night because they sounded good to me for once in my pregnancy, but eating it provided far less joy than I had hoped. I've also been hoping to get in on the "BOGO 99 cents" blizzard deal at Dairy Queen (let's get real here: cheap blizzards + pregnant woman = perfect!), but I just don't have any desire to eat one because of the ice cream aspect.

Have you started to show yet: Yes! She's growing and so is mama!

Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? On   

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our OB appointment tomorrow, child birth class on Tuesday evening and our next 4-D ultrasound in two weeks from tomorrow! Hoping to see a little girl who's growing perfectly tomorrow and in two weeks!

These appointments carry loads of excitement, but are never without a sliver of anxiety for me. I always fear something unseen will pop out at us -- this pregnancy has been so smooth and so easy for me, it's just hard to believe things can keep going so well. But I've thought that from the start, and the other shoe hasn't dropped yet. I definitely recognize my fears are entirely irrational and that she's fine in there, but I wouldn't be a mommy if I didn't worry about my baby, right? :)

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