Sunday, February 24, 2013

25 weeks!

How far along? 25 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:
After hitting a weight standstill last week, I think baby has hit a growth spurt (or at least, I'm blaming it on her anyway). Earlier in the week, I weighed in at almost 115! Which means total weight gain is eight pounds. Woot!

Maternity clothes? I broke out a pair of maternity skinny cords this week! My other pants are still fitting, some with the BellaBand and some without it, too. As for tops, most of them are working just fine; just a button down or two that I've had to set aside.

Stretch marks? Still none! Although I had Andy inspecting my belly with me this week because I thought I could see a few starting... he thought I was being silly, and apparently I was, because I can't even see what I was looking at before. So false alarm! I'm hoping genetics is my free-pass for no stretch marks, because my mama had zero after having four kids. Either way, I'm still slathering on the mommy lotion a few times a week.
Symptoms: Dreams, dreams, dreams! Non-stop. I swear one night I had 10 different dreams. I'm also peeing non-stop it seems. In one 30 minute prep time, some days I go at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of my prep... it's crazy. And a sore upper back, especially on the right side.
Sleep: Still going well -- just lots of dreams that sometimes can make me feel as though I haven't slept a wink!

Best moment this week: Getting to see baby girl's super cute quilt that my mom made! It's almost completely finished, and is even cuter than I'd imagined. I can already imagine it laying on the floor with baby girl on top of it. Eek!
Miss Anything? Not one thing! I love this baby and I love being pregnant!

Movement: After feeling lazy for a few days, baby girl has kicked it in to high gear again! Lots of kicks, and kicks that are getting higher and higher all the time. They say at this point, the uterus is larger than the size of a soccer ball... and I can definitely tell that it's gotten a whole lot bigger, because she's kicking up in the rib vicinity lately. It's pretty awesome.

Food cravings: I realize I haven't been giving credit where credit is due with regard to cravings. Let's be serious here: prior to being pregnant, I really wasn't a milk fan. We went through less than one gallon of milk each week. And, prior to being pregnant, I probably had Oreos a total of ten times in my life. Just didn't really care about them. Now, we go through two gallons of milk per week (which likely means I'm drinking that extra gallon all on my own, because the hubs hasn't upped his milk consumption in the least) and almost an entire pack of Oreos on a week as well. Every night around 10:00 p.m., you can find this pregnant lady parked on the couch, dunking Double Stuff Oreos in her red mug 'o milk. Deeelish! So anyway, cravings? Oreos, milk and PB&J sandwiches.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just a disinterest more so in some foods.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! This week, complete strangers asked me when I was due -- which was awesome. However, I have really wanted to tell those strangers I'm not pregnant when they come out and say "when are you due?", just to mess with their minds. C'mon, wouldn't that be hilarious to see the look on their faces when they find out that I've just eaten too many Oreos and that I happen to gain weight in my gut? But, I haven't yet. For two reasons -- one: I forget (dang, pregnancy brain!) and two: I'm too excited about this little love in my tummy to not share her with the world!


Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: I know I say this every week, but that OB appointment coming up in just two weeks is just too fun not to look forward to... can't wait to see baby girl again! And you know what else is neat about that? This is the LAST time I will have a four week time span between appointments, because two weeks from tomorrow, we will be starting the THIRD trimester. From what I've heard, this means I'll start seeing my doctor (and sneaking a peek at baby girl!) once every two weeks... and that makes one happy mama.

In other, non-baby "looking forward to" news, I'm also ridiculously excited for the new Wizard of Oz prequel that's coming out on March 8th. So I'm trying to give myself "milestones" -- first, I get to see the Wizard of Oz prequel. Then two or three days later, it's baby time! Doing this helps keep me patient :)


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