Sunday, February 3, 2013

22 Weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks, six days (super slack attack this week -- but we've been busy kids lately)!
Total weight gain/loss:
When I checked earlier mid-week, I was around 112, maybe 112.5 -- which puts me up a half to a full pound compared to last week. Total so far: +5.5... and rumor has it, baby girl makes up one pound of that :)
Maternity clothes? I almost broke out a pair of maternity jeans on Friday this week. They are a teensy bit big, though, so back on the shelf they went. Still relying on that BellaBand for my dress pants, but my jeans have been fitting fine still (low enough rise to go just below the bump)!

Stretch marks? Still nothin', and this mama is growin'... time will tell.

Symptoms:  Not a darn thing, aside from spending half of my waking moments in the bathroom, thanks to baby girl break dancing on my bladder.

Sleep: Just dandy. No complaints here -- getting more and more used to being a side sleeper. I usually wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (break dancing, even at night! She's going to be a party animal, apparently) and then spend a few minutes on my back when I return to bed to sneak in being able to feel a few kicks :) She usually never disappoints.

Best moment this week: After a long search, we finally found a rocking chair! In Fargo last weekend, we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to see if they had any diaper bags (yes, still on the search for just the right one...) and saw the perfect rocker sitting right when you walk in. It's an upholstered glider that's super comfy and it even reclines -- which was much less a big deal to me than was to baby daddy, but I knew the rocker was "the one" when he kicked up his feet and pretended to hold a baby in his arms. It took zero effort for me to envision the two loves of my life sleeping in the rocker -- which brought me more joy than I could have ever expected. Anyway, we were sold! So we special ordered it in the fabric we wanted, and it's being specially made just for baby girl's nursery as we speak. It should be here in mid-March. Hopefully we'll have a home to put it in around that time...
Miss Anything? Nothing! Loving every moment.

Movement: Remember? Break dancing! She's miss busy-body now and am I loving it.

Food cravings: Nothing too much to speak of, really. I'm such a boring pregnant lady.


Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the usuals: Papa Murphy's pizza, canned pineapple (blech!) and Snicker's Peanut Butter Squares.
Have you started to show yet:  Yes! It's tough to hide now :)


Belly Button in or out? Still in... but becoming more shallow I think.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our next OB appointment in just about one week now -- wahoo!! And is this weird? I'm also looking forward to my glucose tolerance test as well. I'm not concerned about passing (should I be?) and instead kind of see it as a pregnancy "privilege" that I feared I'd never have. I could do without drinking the sugary drink and all, but that's okay.

I'm also looking forward to being 24 weeks pregnant... just for the simple fact that I can't believe I'm going to be that far along! And -- how cool is this -- around 24 weeks is when a baby would be viable outside of the womb (with lots of help, of course). Isn't it crazy to think that little, just-over-one-pound-EKB is big enough to do that already? Not that I want her to! It's just pretty insane to think that.

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