Sunday, February 17, 2013

24 Weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:
Still holding steady at 113. At my appointment this week, my doctor requested I kick the eating up a notch. She recommended (for the second time) eating a bowl of cereal any time I wake up to pee in the middle of the night. Now, I don't see myself doing that (I'd be wide awake if I did that!), but I have upped my daily snacking repertoire. Think: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, supper, snack, snack, snack. Eating that much is expensive, by the way!

Maternity clothes? I finally opted to break out a pair of maternity skinny jeans from Old Navy this week. It was pretty awesome due to the comfy factor :)

Stretch marks? Still none!
Symptoms: My upper back hurts pretty much all the time now -- not an excruciating pain or anything, just more of a feeling that I can't get comfortable when I'm sitting, standing or laying on the couch; pretty much only when I'm lying in bed. Therefore, a heat pack is quickly becoming my best friend. Dreams continue to be pretty extreme this week. Woke up twice crying this week -- one of the culprits for the tears was a dream where my students were drinking Keystone Light and I was so distraught over it that I went on a crusade on television about underage drinking. Anyway, I ended up crying like a baby on the ground because all of the public laughed at me for having such an issue with underage drinking. So bizarre. And last night included probably ten different dreams in one sleep. Pretty wild.
Sleep: Still going well -- just lots of dreams.

 Best moment this week: Receiving a Valentine from Baby Daddy this week. Instead of picking out a card for mama, he opted to choose one for EKB. The card was enough to bring tears to my pregnant eyes, but the message inside was definitely enough to melt my heart. He is going to be a fabulous papa.

Also loved having our OB appointment this week. Baby looked so fabulous. We got an adorable profile shot with her sweet little nose and lips :) We are so in love. You can tell she's starting to pack on some pounds (er, ounces) now -- baby girl had a nice, strong arm that she proudly showed off! The doctor said she looked perfect for growth and like she will be a beautiful baby. And I'm sure she tells everyone their baby will be beautiful, but I'm going to stick with the thought that she only says it to us :)
Miss Anything? Not one thing! I love this baby and I love being pregnant!

Movement: No shortage of movement here! When sitting at my desk at school, I can look down and watch her little kicks throughout the day now. A few of my students even saw her little jabs from their seats, too :) She's definitely getting stronger! I did notice earlier this week that for a day or two, the kicks were more few and far between. This worried me (did you expect any different?), so when my OB's nurse called to let me know my prenatal labs looked good earlier this week, I mentioned she'd been kicking less than usual. She explained to me that baby is running out of room now, which means I might feel a little less for a little while -- but it'll likely pick up again soon. She said to expect it to calm down a little bit toward the end of pregnancy as baby becomes even more cramped, too. Anyway, baby kicked it back into high gear again shortly after that phone call and has been a ninja ever since.

Food cravings: None to speak of, except for PB&J sandwiches from time to time.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, really. Just keeping the Papa Murphy's pepperoni pizza, canned pineapple and Snicker's Peanut Butter Squares out of sight and out of mind.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!


Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Already looking forward to our next OB appointment in another three weeks -- and another "big" ultrasound two weeks after that! I just l o v e seeing our little peanut! She is so beautiful!

We're also looking forward to childbirth classes. We probably will change our tune about it after the first session, but for now it seems like an exciting rite of passage :) Plus the brochure says we get to tour the birthing suites... exciting!

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