Thursday, January 24, 2013

21 Weeks!

How far along? 21 weeks, three days!
Total weight gain/loss:
Hanging out around 111.5 this week, which puts me at a half pound more since last. That makes my grand total so far +4.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Nada. The BellaBand remains my BFF, and I actually bought two more in two other colors because I love them so. They were on mega-super-clearance and around 75% off, so how could I resist getting them in two other colors? I'm wondering how long through my pregnancy they'll last me...


Stretch marks? Zilch! I even inspected for them the other day, because I seem to have hit a bit of a belly growth spurt this week! But I remain stretch-mark-free at this point.

Symptoms:  None! Unless you count feeling baby move and a growing tummy as "symptoms" :)
And I suppose there are those eight bathroom breaks I have to take between lunchtime and supper. It feels like I'm peeing every 30 minutes lately!

Fine and well still! Although in the middle of the night, I sometimes wake up and feel like I have a stiff back from laying on my side and it takes awhile to get comfy again.

Best moment this week:
Nothing too exciting happened this week, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, feeling baby kick and move is always exciting! We started noticing that she does kicks that almost feel like she's kicking with one foot and then the other. Pretty fun :)

And in other, unrelated, news: how could I not mention that I had TWO days this week that school was called two hours late for? Those were two pretty great moments. Mama and baby loved getting a few extra hours of sleep this week :)

Miss Anything? Nothing! Too happy to miss anything. Well, except maybe I miss not hanging out in the bathroom to pee twenty times a day.

Movement: Yes, and lots of it! I mentioned earlier about the "one-two" kicks we're feeling now, and the kicks are getting really strong, too. Today and yesterday I haven't felt her as much, which always makes me nervous -- but they say that's expected up until about 28 weeks. It's not until then that one should count on feeling baby move every day and consistently. Plus, her heart rate is totally normal (thanks, trusty at-home fetal doppler!) so I don't have anything to worry about. (Speaking of her heart rate being normal, an update from last week: if you remember correctly, I was concerned about her heart skipping beats. This week, her little heart skips beats no more! Who knew my OBs were so smart and were exactly right when they told me it would fix itself? Silly me.)

Food cravings: Still none! Though I do find myself loving the occasional donut still. Lucky for me, one of my students celebrated their birthday this week and brought in donuts for the whole class (and the teacher, of course). Delish!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Snicker's Peanut Butter Squares, canned pineapple and Papa Murphy's pepperoni pizza all make me a little uneasy still.

Have you started to show yet:  Definitely more and more each day it seems! I couldn't believe what baby mama's tummy looked like today in my gym clothes at the Y!

Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our next OB appointment in two weeks from next Tuesday when we'll get to see baby girl again!

I've also been bitten by the nursery bug... so I went online and found loads of inspiration pictures and I've been looking forward to getting her little room all ready for her :)

So that's the haps this week -- and here's the belly to go along with:

(Oh, and sidenote: this week's size comparison is apparently a carrot. A carrot? The other option was a pomegranate (more for weight's sake than length), which I found to not give as much credit for baby girl's true length, which is why I opted for the carrot. Anyway, keep in mind this is the long garden carrot we're talking -- she's around 10 and a half inches -- wowza!)


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