Thursday, January 10, 2013

19 Weeks!

How far along? 19 weeks and three days!
Total weight gain/loss: I seem to still be fluctuating a little bit. When I checked on Tuesday at the Y, I was two pounds LESS than last week (at which point I had gained three pounds total)... which prompted a slight freak out on my part. Regardless, I seemed to have bounced back nicely, because today I seem to have gained back those two pounds and then some! So as of today, I'm almost four pounds up from where I started.

Maternity clothes? Not wearing any maternity clothes yet, but I finally caved on Sunday and bought a BellaBand. This came as the result of working up a sweat as I tried to button my pants on Sunday morning before mass. After I won the battle with my pants and successfully had them buttoned, I realized I looked less than appealing with a pretty glorious 360 degree muffin top around my middle. But, I needed to wear pants, so what's a pregnant girl to do? Well, I'll tell you what this pregnant girl did. Unbuttoned her pants and spent much of mass praying that my pants didn't come entirely unzipped and fall down at some point. It was at that point that I knew it was maybe time for one of those nifty BellaBands -- so in our cart at Target it went. And I haven't looked back since! Nor have I spent one day with my pants buttoned after the fact. Oh BellaBand, how I love you.

Anyway, with this nifty pregnancy purchase as my sidekick, I'm not sure when I'll be delving into those maternity clothes. 

Stretch marks? None yet! Still using lotion, though.

Symptoms:  I think my symptom-free days are over. Back pain reared its' ugly head this week. However, I am thinking the back pain showed up as the result of me Hunchback of Notre Dameing over a puzzle all weekend at my parents' house. Regardless, it's required a hot pack on my low back almost every day since then. It seems to be the worst when I stand up from a seated position, at which point I turn into the Hunchback of Notre Dame again (sans puzzle, this time) until the pain has slightly dulled and I can walk upright again.

Regardless, all's well :) I'd gladly have low back pain for the rest of my life in exchange for this little lady.

Sleep:  Super! Just can't seem to get enough of it lately, as I've been battling a cold all week. Trying to sleep on my sides more, thinking that maybe laying on my back is aggravating my low-back pain. And sleeping on my tummy is starting to feel strange... kind of like I'm sleeping on a balloon.

Best moment this week:
How do I choose just one?! We had our BIG ultrasound this week and got to see baby girl in 4-D! Yes, my friends... 4-D! Which means we got to see her moving in 3-D. It was completely amazing, and she was a complete wiggler. The ultrasound tech had a tough time getting all of baby girl's measurements and important pictures because she was just a mover! We giggled the whole time :) She was beautiful! And e-mailing the photos to our families was ridiculously fun for me, too. The replies I got made my heart soar, too. It doesn't take much to make a mommy feel proud :) I promise to post pictures this week sometime.

Secondly, the hubs finally got to feel baby girl's kicks last night :) It was ridiculously fun. When she kicked, we both shrieked! This was the first time I could feel it from the "inside" and he could feel it from the outside. We are so in love!

And, strangely enough, calling daycares was also a highlight of my week. Making plans for her, thinking about picking her up after work, makes her seem so real I definitely called at least 25 places searching for a place for her, which was a pain... but daydreaming about her being here was just incredible.

Have you told family and friends: Yes! 

Miss Anything? Nothing :) Too happy and excited to miss anything.

Movement: Yes! She is a mover! I love feeling her at school while I'm teaching. It's such a great little secret that nobody but me knows about -- just between  me and her. Have I mentioned how in love we are?

Food cravings: Nothing to speak of -- still indecisive, but I think that's getting better.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Papa Murphy's and I may have reconciled this week. I had the chicken bacon ranch pizza last Friday night for the second time, and I think I could probably eat that every day, for every meal, for the rest of my pregnancy. So they may be winning me over again. Maybe.

Have you started to show yet: Yes! Today she was really popped out there. I am absolutely loving this baby bump, as you could guess -- I've waited for it for awhile now and I couldn't be more excited that it's finally showing! Is that weird?

Gender prediction: Not a prediction; we know! Baby girl.

Belly Button in or out? The husband says it's looking more shallow, and, dare I say it... I think it might be! Weird truth: I always wanted one of those "tight" belly buttons, like a swimsuit model has you know? And now I'm finally getting one... with a large belly :) Best of both worlds, right?

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to:
I never can choose just one so here's a few...

Getting "official word" from the radiologist that everything looked healthy and dandy on baby girl at this week's ultrasound. I'm sure it's all fine from what we saw, but I just like things to be OFFICIAL, ya know?

Interviewing more daycares next week. Weird, yes, but especially one of them seems so sweet -- so I want to reserve our spot already! I probably shouldn't assume she's fabulous before meeting her, I suppose, but whatever.

Also looking forward to a few things coming in the mail... namely: a diaper bag (I'll need help deciding which one of two that I ordered to keep, so stay tuned!) and GapBaby skinny jeans for baby girl... eek!

And without further adieu: nineteen week pictures! 


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