Saturday, January 19, 2013

Halfway Home!

How far along? 20 weeks, five days! (I'm a little behind this week on posting! So I'm actually almost 21 -- so this is more of a week 20 review :)) -- That's HALFWAY, my friends!
Total weight gain/loss: Holding strong, my friends. This week I'm at a solid 111, which means I'm up four pounds... I'm pleased, my OB is pleased, and I'm sure our little lady is pleased too :)

Maternity clothes? Still none! Just relying on my BellaBand still.

Stretch marks? Nada. Still using my mommy lotion on my (expanding) tummy!

Symptoms:  Last week I mentioned having a sore lower back, but I've decided that was unrelated to the pregnancy; instead, I think it's a side-effect of trying to sleep on my side more
at night. So since that's out, I still remain entirely symptom-free! Well, not entirely. I do make a large amount of potty breaks during the day and have headaches here and there. I think I'm getting that "pregnancy glow" everyone talks about, but I don't really know exactly what it is. If it means you get a flushed face easily and almost look like you have a tan every so often, then I think I've got it! And I don't shed much hair anymore, either -- another welcome side effect of being in the second trimester :)

Just dandy. As mentioned previously, just trying to sleep on my side more.

Best moment this week:
This week was an interesting one with some ups and downs. Because we had quite a journey to get us here, I've been neurotic psycho crazy insane a little nervous here and there. For this reason, we bought an at-home fetal heart monitor on Amazon for about $20 around 11 or 12 weeks to help ease my nerves about whether or not our little one was still in there, safe and sound. It has been an amazing investment for us me. It's enabled me to check in on her at home at the end of the day or after teaching a yoga class and has been so great.

On Monday evening, however, I noticed that baby girl's heart was skipping beats, adding beats, and doing this whole insane-o heartbeat thing. I didn't think too much of it and decided to go to bed and check her again in the morning before heading to school. When I checked in the following morning, it was still a little funny. After much internal debate (I didn't want to be scolded for having an at-home monitor like a crazy lady!... which, let's face it: I am), I decided it would be best to call my doctor, just to be safe. My normal OB was out of town early in the week, so I was squeezed into another OB's schedule. We listened to her, heard what I'd been hearing, and he shared that this is a completely normal sounding fetal heartbeat in the second trimester. Apparently babies often have missed and added beats here and there prior to being born, most people just don't hear it because they're not crazy and have an at-home doppler like me. Plus, he explained that our 19-week ultrasound that looked at her heart and its' valves looked beautiful -- so there's no heart defect or anything funny going on here. Just her little body learning about how to regulate itself without mama.

So obviously, learning that was a pretty great moment.

We also had a regular OB check-up on Thursday this week and got to see baby girl again. She's getting ginormous on the ultrasounds now!  She looks so great... we just love seeing her wiggle around in there.

A big accomplishment was also made this week: we have a daycare! She seems fabulous and like she'll take care of our little lady very well, so we're happy to be settled about that.

And one more: we got to see her kick from the outside this week! We really have to watch, but we've seen it maybe four times... she's pretty awesome.

Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Even strangers who didn't know previously can tell now! (Which, if I'm completely honest, is only happening right now when I'm at the Y in a fitted exercise top... but still! It's so fun!)

Miss Anything? Nothing :) Except that whole clothes-buying thing... I want a pair of coral skinny jeans for spring in the worst way, and I'm just not sure my trusty sidekick, BellaBand
, is up for the task of keeping those cute jeans up throughout my third trimester -- and I'm just not sure I want to spend a lot of money on a GapMaternity pair. Ah, the dilemmas.
Movement: Definitely! Stronger this week -- so strong, it takes me by surprise! Andy's been feeling her more and more (he swears she kicked so my tummy rose an inch one night ;) I think daddy might be exaggerating just a teeny bit, but he's a proud papa!), and she's even been kicking during the Yoga/Pilates class I teach. It's kind of dumb, but I always love "taking" her places. I think of them as "mommy and me" adventures... and Yoga/Pilates class is one of my favorite 'adventures' to take her on. Imagine how much fun we'll have together when she's actually here!

Food cravings: Nada.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Snicker's Peanut Butter Squares, which I was semi-in-love-with prior to becoming pregnant.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I think more-so in the later days of this week, though -- so you might not be able to tell as much in this week's pictures.

Gender prediction: It's a girl!

Belly Button in or out? The abyss is definitely getting shallower... but our prediction is that it will end up laying flat on my tummy in the end, not be "out". We'll see...

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to:
Already looking forward to our next OB appointment in about three weeks and the next "big" ultrasound at 30 weeks to check her growth. They found that I have a "marginal cord" insertion last week (remember when I said this week was full of ups-and-downs? Yeah, this is another example. My umbilical cord connects to the placenta off to the side of the placenta rather than right in the middle, but is still completely connected to the placenta; there's variation of this called a valementous cord insertion, which can lead to much scarier things. Thank God He's given me the non-scary one!), which completely freaked me out for a few days (neurotic, remember?). However, it's no big deal; I've visited with three OBs about it now (again, neurotic, remember?) and all say she'll be completely fine. The only concern we might have later is whether or not she's getting all the food she needs. So we get to do more ultrasounds to make sure she's growing in the third trimester (which I love!), and if she's not, she'll just make her arrival a little early :) The two OBs I saw this week both said they've had hundreds of patients with off-centered umbilical cords, and all have gone on to have un-complicated pregnancies with healthy, happy little ones. I also was lucky enough to work with someone who also had a marginal cord insertion, and her doctor didn't think anything of it either. She went on to have a perfectly normal pregnancy (with a few extra peeks at her baby via ultrasound, too :)) and delivered a very healthy-weight little one (sidenote: if anyone has had this experience as well, let me know!). Anyway, I'm looking forward to that next ultrasound at 30-weeks. Who doesn't love seeing their baby?

This is totally lame and nerdy, but we're also looking forward to our first opportunity to RSVP "three" for an upcoming wedding. We got their Save The Date in the mail today, and Andy's first comment was, "I want to fill it out and write three!" -- he was bummed when I explained that this wasn't the RSVP just yet... :) 

And is it too early to say I'm looking forward to meeting her? Well, I am. Not that I want this pregnancy to be over -- I'm loving every moment! But if I could have both at once, I think I'd be the happiest lady alive right  now.

Here's the halfway pictures... just imagine how much the NEXT twenty weeks will change this belly and this little baby!

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