Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twelve Weeks Old!

Weight: Earlier this week, I finally decided to step on the scale with baby girl to see what she weighed, as I hadn't done that since her two-month check-up. When I stepped on, the scale showed that she weighed 10 pounds -- which was very concerning, because at her two-month check-up, she weighed almost 10 pounds already. So we stepped off and stepped on again, thinking it was a scale-read error.


It was right. Ten pounds.

My stomach churned. I knew what this meant: we'd be introducing formula to supplement nursing, because she obviously isn't getting what she needs to thrive.

Defeated, I called my doctor's office and asked if I could get Lizzie in for a weight check. So off we went, where I placed her on the scale and saw the same dismal news: baby girl is 10 pounds, 1 ounce. My heart sank, again.

"That's not good," I told the nurse. "She was nine pounds, 14 ounces last time." She went to grab her computer and returned a few moments later.

"She's eating great! She's gained almost a pound and a half since last time! She wasn't nine pounds, 14 ounces... she was eight pounds, 14 ounces at her last check-up," the nurse informed me.

Sweeter words were never spoken to a worried mommy in this situation! So all is well and I was just getting ahead of ourselves by a pound.

So weight this week? Ten pounds, one ounce :)

Sleep: Why do we mess with things that work? On Monday of this week, I decided (for some unknown reason) that Lizzie shouldn't be swaddled any longer. My thought process was that I should wean her off of swaddling now so that it's not such a big deal later, when she's older. So for the last four days and nights, Lizzie girl has had both naps and overnights in a non-swaddled state.


Poor baby girl can't catch a break with those flailing arms. Just when she's starting to fall asleep... POW! She socks herself in the eye with those crazy arms. I kept telling myself it would get better, that she'd get used to it -- and maybe, probably, she would. But while talking to my mom and aunt about it last night, I realized that if swaddling baby works -- go for it. They both told me about a few people who swaddled their babies until they were (relatively) big, and it helped them sleep more soundly and control those silly arms. Once she can roll from back to front, I'll certainly stop -- but why endure waking up every hour in the nighttime or 30-minute naps during the daytime that just lead to a sad, cranky baby?

So anyway, that's basically how sleep was this week: waking every hour or so at night and naps that lasted 30 minutes, all because of flailing arms. Let's just say we returned to the swaddling again today :)

I also noticed this week that she's super tired around 7:30... like, can't stay awake tired and if she falls asleep, she's out for the night. Normally bedtime has been 9:30, but maybe we're starting a new phase? It makes me sad to have her crash so early (I want to play more!) but it is nice to have some extra time to get things done at night.

Medical Issues: None!

Clothes: We're now in a spot where we're using about half newborn and half 0 to 3 month clothes. We have a few 0 to 3 month jammies that are small enough to work, as well as a few onesies and pants that work in that size as well. Otherwise our other 0 to 3 month stuff is still way too big, as is some of our newborn stuff!

Socialite!: Baby girl got to meet her great-great aunt from Texas last night, as well hang out with her great aunt and uncle, her great grandparents and her grandparents. Unfortunately she was a little cranky (remember? I was silly and didn't swaddle, leading to a lack of naps...) so she either preferred hanging out in Mommy or Daddy's arms or kicking her little legs on the floor.

Diet: Milk -- still nursing exclusively.

Baby Gear Love: We just love that play gym and our SnuggaBunny swing! We're also big fans of the SnuggaBunny bouncy chair

Crying: Not too bad, just fussy at night still. Maybe I shouldn't say "fussy" as much as I should say "sensitive".

Mommy News: Not gonna lie: there have been some tears now about heading back to work :( But every mommy survives, and every baby does fine, too.

Milestones: Baby girl is starting to notice her fists and bring them to her mouth to suck on. It is way too cute :)

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