Sunday, August 4, 2013

Eleven Weeks Old!

Weight: My best guess is 11 pounds, but we haven't made any attempts at weighing her lately. All I know from carrying her around and how my arms feel while nursing? She's definitely heavier than any of the free weights I pick up at the Y :)

Sleep: Still really good. Naps are much better, though she still has a tendency to wake up 40 minutes in and requires me to stay with her until she falls asleep again for another couple of hours. So she's usually taking one nice, long nap in the morning and one nice, long nap in the afternoon, followed by one or two smaller cat naps toward evening. She's going to bed around 9:30 these days and sleeping four or five hours in her first stretch, three hours in her next, and three hours in her next, before waking up for the day. She did have two nights in a row now where she's slept very soundly. One night she slept a full eight hours in a row (10:15 p.m. to 6:15 a.m.!) and last night she only woke once in the night.

So, call me crazy, but I'm actually a little sad that she slept that full eight hours because that might mean she's going to start sleeping an entire night's worth soon. Don't get me wrong, I love a good night's sleep (which I haven't had a full, uninterrupted one since early on in my pregnancy!), but it's one of her first ways of asserting some "independence" from momma. I'm sure it sounds weird, but I'm also sure there's some other mommies who have felt the same way (right?). And now that I've breathed a word of this more publicly than my own mind, she'll probably start waking up every two hours again :) Ha! Wouldn't that be ironic?

Medical Issues: None :) Gas issues have resolved themselves and sweet girl seems to be doing very well.

Clothes: Our newborn pants continue to look more and more like flood pants every day, and some of our newborn onesies are making her look more and more like the Incredible Hulk! So I've (sadly) begun to phase out some of her smaller newborn onesies. I've tried to bring in a few 0 to 3 month things, but most are still too big -- which is fine, because much of our newborn things still fit. Target finally got in some new onesie packs with matching leggings this weekend, so we picked up a pack of each in the three month size, but I'm sure they're a little big yet.

Socialite!: Where to start?! Sweet baby was lucky enough to meet some great friends from the school I taught at in Fargo last weekend when one of my friends got married (woohoo!). You could tell that all of my friends are recent mommies... they are baby-holding experts :) It was another great example of having good friends -- things don't change even after being apart for a long time... I am so blessed! Great times were had by all in our family -- even daddy had fun!

She also got to meet her newest baby friend! Beautiful little miss Peyton was born last Monday, and Lizzie, Andy and I went to visit her and her mommy and daddy and bring them some food and a little gift. (Sidenote: If you know someone who's just had a baby, give them food. My mom did this and so did a sweet friend of mine, and it was amazing to not have to think about what to make when you come home from the hospital those first few days!)

Finally, Lizzie got to meet all kinds of family over the weekend on her first visit to Andy's family's cabin! We loved spending time with Andy's cousins and aunts from Portland and Wisconsin, as well as his grandparents, parents and sister. They were so great with Lizzie and it was so nice to just get a chance to talk with them.

Diet: Milk -- still nursing exclusively.

Baby Gear Love: Still loving her play gym! She's officially more interested in herself in the mirror on her play gym than in Andy or myself :) I'm also loving that SnugaBunny bouncy chair and swing as well -- she can see far enough now to watch the birds and see the mirrored dome on her swing, so she stays very entertained while I'm cooking supper or if she's just getting fussy.

Crying: She's a sweet baby girl :) Most of the time she's not fussy -- only when she's getting tired, when she's wet or is hungry. 


She hates the car. As in, despises it. She can maybe make it five minutes to the YMCA before she starts to cry -- but that's a 10 minute trip, so it doesn't offer enough time for her to get very upset... just fussy. And if we're in the car for longer, she'll typically fall asleep, which is good. But if the ride is too long, she'll wake up from her nap and be very agitated. Let's just say we had a four-hour ride, and baby cried for a third of it (and mommy cried for probably half of that third!). Anyway, our best remedy for that was to drive through the night, after her bedtime. And lucky us: worked like a charm. Not a peep -- just a content baby. And a content baby = content mommy = content daddy.

Mommy News: Not a whole lot in mommy news. Just trying to ignore the inevitable: going back to work in a few weeks!

Milestones: First trip to Andy's family's cabin! Maybe next year we can get in the water and go on a boat ride!

This week was also the first time Lizzie has been interested in reading books (well, looking at the pictures and listening to Mommy's voice, anyway!).

She's also starting to giggle with more than one syllable, if that makes sense. It is too sweet :)

First time sleeping eight hours through the night!

Also starting to push up on her arms more during tummy time!

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