Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thirteen Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing baby girl is around 10 and a half pounds at this point.

Sleep: After resuming the use of our swaddler, Lizzie's sleep still isn't quite as good as it was before I started messing things up [by banning swaddler use for a few days]. I think it's because she realizes now how great it feels to sleep not in a straight jacket-type contraption. Whoops. She did have one awesome napping day where she had an hour-long nap in the morning and a three-hour nap in the afternoon. Aside from that, she tends to be sticking to her 25 to 40 minute naps during the day, and waking a couple times at night.

Any advice from anyone about how to help your little one take longer naps? I think Lizzie is waking up on her first "light sleep" phase of her sleep cycle, which is why she's only taking 25 to 40 minute naps most days. 

Medical Issues: None!

Clothes: I would say that we've officially stepped foot into three-month clothing almost exclusively! Though Lizzie is still wearing a lot of newborn things (and is still waiting to grow into some of it, too!), we've transitioned her into 0 to 3 month jammies and onesies for the most part. Right now, it all fits how her newborn clothes fit when she was first born: way too big! But we have to start somewhere, right? 

Socialite!: Sweet girl got to see her godfather, Norm, again last weekend! We were lucky enough to have him stop in Alex on his way through and have supper with us at Zorba's. She was a good girl, and even let Norm snuggle her for a little bit :) Unfortunately she wasn't giving out any free smiles at that point, so he didn't get to see any. Guess he'll just have to come visit again... :)

Diet: Milk -- still nursing exclusively.

Baby Gear Love: Loving our Snuggabunny swing, as well as this amazing contraption that hangs from her carseat handle that entertains her endlessly that my mom and dad gave Lizzie before she was born. 

Crying: Only crying when she's tired, wet or hungry. She's a sweet girl!

Mommy News: Please don't remind me that I have to go back to work in a little more than a week. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! But what will baby girl do without me all day (or maybe more like what will I do without my baby girl all day)?! Yikes.

In other mommy news: I've heard people talk about how they're not sure if they'll have enough love to go around for all their kids when they get pregnant a second (or third, or fourth...) time. This seemed like a ridiculous notion to me. However, this last week has started to help me realize why they say that. I honestly thought that when Lizzie was born that the amount of love I felt for her (which was already a lot) was how much love I'd always feel for her. Wrong. It is incredible to me how much my love grows for this little girl each day. It's hard to explain, but it's this gradual love that kind of sneaks up on you as it grows and grows and grows, and when you realize how much you love this little one, it completely knocks you over. I know that's a weird way to put it, but it's as best I can explain it. Anyway, I kind of see what people mean: how can you possibly love one little person this much, and still have more room to love another little person that much? Not that I don't think it's possible -- I know it is! I just kind of understand it a little more now. And not that I'm pregnant again -- I was just thinking through it all.

Also, I can't believe how much more emotional I am now that I'm a mommy. I wasn't any extra emotional really when I was pregnant... but now that Lizzie's here: watch out world! Crazy mama who cries at everything has arrived. Yeesh! I got the sweetest board book from my aunt and uncle when Lizzie was born called "Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You" and I can't read it to Lizzie without getting all choked up. And don't get me started about watching the news... is it possible for me to watch it at 10:00 before bed without getting teary eyed? Oh boy.

Milestones: We are getting so much stronger at tummy time! Lizzie no longer gets mad (right away) when we put her on her tummy because she actually enjoys being propped up on those little elbows and looking at the world in a new way! 

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