Sunday, March 9, 2014

Forty Two Weeks!

Weight: As of our appointment last week, girlfriend was exactly 16 pounds, 14 ounces. That puts her at the 10th percentile for weight, which is pretty consistent with where she has been the past nine months. She's following right along her growth curve with weight, so everything looks great!
Sleep: Back to sleeping clear through the night, woohoo! I had the week off for spring break, and any hopes I had of sleeping in (even a teensy bit) were quickly laid to rest. I did get to sleep until 7:21 one morning, but that was the record for the week ;) Girlfriend is an early riser now that we've been getting her up at the crack of dawn for work and daycare. I did figure something out about naps this week, too: rather than three so-so naps (30 to 45 minutes long), girlfriend does well if we do one nap in the morning and one nap in the afternoon. That way, the afternoon nap ends up being nice and long, between two and three hours -- whoa! We'll see if they can keep that schedule up at daycare with all the commotion from the other kids (or maybe I should say that we'll see if she can stay sleeping for that amount of time with all the commotion from the other kids).

Medical Issues: Feeling great this week :)

 We're in three to six month clothes and three to six month jammies! Although I bought two pair of "big girl jammies", as I call them, which are the two-piece jammie sets (my favorites are from Old Navy and Gap), and those are 6 to 12 month sizes. I've been waiting since before she was born to be able to wear these types of jams... they are so darn cute on her!

Socialite!: Lizzie's Aunt Tracy, Uncle Josh, cousins Rachel and Michael, and Auntie Jenny, were all home to visit last weekend. It was pretty fun to see Lizzie and Michael together -- Lizzie did a lot of patting Michael's head, and Michael did a little pinching of Lizzie's cheeks :) It was pretty cute. We're hoping a little bit of Michael rubs off on Lizzie -- he's crawling, so we're hoping she took some notes ;)

Diet: Still sticking with the Baby Led Weaning thing for both lunch and supper. I am starting to give her snacks throughout the day, too. My favorite is to give her some banana bread. The only thing I have a hard time with in terms of banana bread, is that it can end up being loaded with sugar and things she really doesn't need, that pull it out of the "healthy" category and put it more into the "dessert" category. I've been experimenting with a few recipes, trying to find a good whole wheat option, substituting oil with unsweetened applesauce, using flax eggs as a substitute for regular eggs (not that there's anything wrong with regular eggs -- we love them in our house! And we usually do organic. But flax eggs add both fiber and omega 3s, so I sometimes opt for them instead)  and cutting the sugar in recipes in half. I'd like to cut the sugar altogether and sub honey in for it, but honey is off-limits to babies under 12 months, so that won't happen just yet. Anyway, I think I found the perfect combination today, so I'm pretty pleased with myself :) 

Baby Gear Love: Lizzie honestly loves anything "unconventional" for babies (like all babies, I'm sure). She loves pens, small bottles of lotion, my lip balm tin from Bath & Body... anything that's not a toy, she loves and can stay busy with for a very long time.

She is also becoming a huge fan of books (!) which I love!! She has her favorites, and will oftentimes reach with all her might toward her books when we walk by them :) We've now developed a nightly routine that includes reading books... sometimes eight of them! She loves it, and looks so closely at the pictures.

Crying: Lizzie is such a happy babe. She only cries when she's hungry or tired.
Mommy News: Sadly, spring break has come and gone. Lizzie and I had an amazing week, and I continue to see how easily I could slide into the "stay at home mommy" thing and how much I'd like to do it (which I've known, but I think when you plug along working, you're fine with the way things are). The debate continues... 

Milestones: We're constantly hearing "bababa" and "mamama" and "rarara", amongst other random sounds mixed in there :) We just love hearing her little voice! It's so sweet! She seems especially inclined to talk (loudly) during Sunday mass... :)

Lizzie is very attached to Mommy these days :) She wants Mommy to hold her, but she loves to look and giggle at her daddy :)

Girlfriend is still incredibly interested in walking and can walk along our ottoman and couch without help, but she'll do this more often when I'm not around -- if I'm there, she really wants me to hold her hands. Sometimes, she won't take a step without holding my hands if I'm there! Girlfriend loves her momma. Anyway, besides that, we've been trying to encourage crawling as much as we can. She wants to get around so badly, but she can't walk yet, so she gets frustrated. She'll go from a seated position onto her hands and knees, but then go down to her belly very shortly thereafter. We're hoping this means crawling might be right around the corner, but we'll see...

Maybe our favorite thing that's happening now is that Lizzie knows how to give kisses! She's known how to do it for quite some time, but the only "people" who were getting the love were her stuffed animals -- she'll kiss them on the noses over and over and over again without being prompted! But giving Mommy and Daddy kisses is another story. She will give me kisses sometimes, but would never give Andy any kisses. I guess she gave up that way of life, because tonight she was giving us kisses on the cheek on-demand :) It was ridiculously sweet. Our hearts were completely melted!

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