Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Twenty Nine Weeks!

Weight: My best guess is between 14 and 14 and a half pounds.
Sleep: I thinks we've finally solved our sleep issues (at least this time, anyway I'm sure there will be another bout of poor sleep habits in the future again :)). As mentioned last week, Lizzie was battling some constipation issues. When those were (finally) resolved last week, Lizzie girl started sleeping beautifully again. She's now waking once each night around two or three to eat, and that's it! It feels good to be sleeping longer than two-hour stretches at a time again!

Medical Issues: Last week, I mentioned that Lizzie was having constipation issues and that we were headed in to see her doctor. Though I thought our issues would be solved in that visit, I was dead wrong. Long story short: after a doctor visit, a call to the ER, gross things we had to do at home that I never thought I'd do in my life (ever), another doctor visit, and more of that gross stuff, Lizzie's system was running as it should again! But it was sad and pretty scary for a few days. That poor baby! We were on the schedule for a baby-friendly enema at the hospital, but we were able to resolve the problem before it came to that... hooray!

 Hanging out in three to six month clothes by day, zero to three month jammies by night.

Socialite!: Over the weekend, sweet girl had her six month (er, almost seven, really) and family pictures! We should be getting them back tomorrow :) Yay! After that, we went to Grandma Kathy's and made Christmas cookies with Auntie Jenny and Grandma K. Lizzie also helped decorate the Christmas tree. Actually, she watched. But she was great for moral support! She also continues to be extremely friendly with those who sit behind us at mass on Sunday mornings :) Our sweet girl was practically playing peek-a-boo with the people behind us this last week! Too cute. She also made friends at her second doctor visit last week. Even when she was all stopped up, she was still ridiculously happy (aside from when she was trying to make things happen, that is...).
Diet: Still nursing Lizzie exclusively while doing baby-led weaning, though we backed off from solids completely for a few days when we were trying to work out her 'digestive' issues. During that time, she only had breastmilk and a tiny bit of organic baby purees -- but to be honest, she's not really a huge fan of them. Her new favorite food seems to be pears -- she can't get enough of them! 
Baby Gear Love: Nothing new to talk about... but just wait until Christmas comes! I have a feeling she might have some new favorites to rave about ;)

Crying: Baby girl is awesome, as per usual. Only cries when she's tired or hungry... or if you take food away from her :)

Mommy News:  As mentioned in a previous week, there is a couple from our area who had a sweet baby girl with a rare genetic diagnosis determined shortly after being born. Sadly, their sweet girl passed away just a couple of weeks after they welcomed her. I honestly cannot even begin to fathom what they must be going through -- it is so heart wrenching to think of that scenario. We've been squeezing our little one extra tight every day and thanking God for every second we have with her. Our journey to have Lizzie may have been agonizing and painful, but we are so lucky to have such a healthy little lady.

Lizzie is babbling like crazy lately! She's got different tones to her voice now, almost sounding like she's asking a question or very excited about something. It's too cute! Still no repeated sounds at this point...

She's LOVING peek-a-boo now! Which she has for awhile, but we can get some really good belly laughs out of her with it! She's also a HUGE fan of the Itsy-Bitsy Spider :) It is too, too sweet.

Lizzie also drops things now and looks to see where they fell :) It is so adorable. She does the same thing whenever someone hides during peek-a-boo, too. 

Oh, and... first Christmas jammies! Silly milestone, I know, but seriously. They are too cute and even have little reindeer heads on the feet :)

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