Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thirty Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing around 14 and a half pounds.
Sleep: Lizzie's been sleeping like a champ. She's out around 7:30 or 8:00 each night pretty easily and she'll sleep usually until around 2:00 when she wakes up feeling hungry. I feed her and she falls asleep immediately after burping, and then proceeds to sleep until we wake her in the morning :)

Medical Issues: All is well for our sweet girl! We've been so lucky that the worst we've encountered has been a cold and a nasty bout of constipation. Praise God for her healthy little life!

 Hanging out in three to six month clothes by day, zero to three month jammies by night.

Socialite!: Going through the usual routine this last week -- hanging out with the other kids at daycare. She seems to especially love the older kids because she can watch them play and do all kids of neat things she can't do yet :) Apparently she's been watching another little girl who's just a few months older than her and has been getting inspired to spend more time on her tummy to get better at crawling (this is all according to daycare… is this possible for her to think this way?). She's always so happy and social and gives smiles at the drop of a hat!
Diet: Still nursing Lizzie exclusively with baby-led weaning-themed solids for supper each night. She's been eating steamed broccoli, roasted sweet potato, avocado, mango and pear this week quite a bit. I let her have some spaghetti (love at first bite!), which she did really well with. I think the noodles go down really easily without much work, but I do cut them pretty small and feed them to her (which is against the BLW mentality, but I do what works for us). She also had some (low-sodium) chicken broth and shredded chicken from our chicken and dumplings last night, which she really, really liked, too. Again -- I fed it to her. I've been encouraging her to use a spoon to feed herself yogurt lately, too. We've been showing her how to dip her spoon to "reload" it, but I think she's still working on that concept. If we load the spoon, however, she can feed herself (by default, because she sticks anything in her mouth :)). She also loves pizza -- I've only offered her homemade pizza crusts with some tomato sauce on it, but she really likes that. Last week at my parents' house she tried some of those Gerber puffs, which she liked but had a hard time getting to her mouth. I really want to start offering her more of what we're eating each night, but I've kind of been waiting for that pincer grasp to develop a little more. It's definitely improving, so I think I'll start giving her the "main course" on her tray. Another reason I've been waiting to do this is because I want to be really cautious about the sodium intake, as babies can't handle much extra sodium in their diet. While I don't add a whole lot of salt to our food myself, I do know that certain ingredients can contain a high amount (like chicken broth, for example) -- so I'll need to do a lot of label reading and the like.

Also… anyone ever roasted carrots? I'm still trying to perfect that so I can offer Lizzie some other veggie options. Anyone out there done baby led weaning and have other food suggestions? We would love to hear some! :)

Baby Gear Love: We love our jumperoo these days! Lizzie is now getting tall enough to make that thing bounce! Ours is the Luv U Zoo Fisher Price jumperoo, and Lizzie loves it! She's always looking at the hanging gorilla and carefully trying to grab it :)

Crying: Baby girl is awesome, as per usual. Only cries when she's tired or hungry... or if you take food away from her :)

Mommy News:  Mommy can't wait to spend almost two straight weeks with her baby girl over Christmas break! Weehooo!

Milestones: Lizzie seems to be waving lately, though I'm not sure she really knows what it means. I think it's more than she's copying us -- but really, it's ridiculously cute. She's got this beauty queen/princess wave down beautifully. It's adorable :)

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