Monday, October 28, 2013

Twenty Three Weeks!

Weight: I'm guessing anywhere between 13 1/2 and 14 pounds at this point.

Sleep: The blissful full nights of sleep have come to a screeching halt! I'm blaming it on a growth spurt, because she's been up every three hours feeling especially ravenous it seems. Aside from the growth spurt messing up her sleep pattern, poor sweet baby has come down with her first cold :( Poor babe can hardly breathe through that little nose when lying down! Anyway, that's certainly been upsetting as well, so our sleep is kind of all over the place. The one thing we continue to be grateful for is that when she gets up to eat in the middle of the night, she eats and goes right back to sleep -- she's no night owl!
Medical Issues: Not really a medical issue, but as I just mentioned, Lizzie girl has her first cold. I always swore I'd never be that mommy with a snotty baby, but, alas, it seems to be near impossible to prevent it when they have a cold! But I do my best -- whenever I went to see her at daycare, I came armed and ready to clean up that little nose. Aside from looks, having gunk under your nose can't feel very good, can it? Poor baby. Anyway, her runny nose is accompanied by a sad cough, and it's hard for her to breathe. We plan to invest in a humidifier to put in her room to help with the congestion, but for now we've (er, Andy has) tried using the suction bulb to help clear her little nose out, as well as steaming up the bathroom with a hot shower and bringing her in to help her clear out. I know a little girl in her classroom had a nasty cold last week, so that's probably where she picked it up. Sadly, a little boy went home with the flu today in her classroom... here's to hoping that one doesn't follow us home!

Clothes: I'm eating my words -- last week I said I didn't think she'd be getting into her 3 to 6 month sizes anytime soon and that her 0 to 3 months were perfect, but a week (and a growth spurt) can make quite a difference! She seems to have bulked up a little, and she's getting that "muscle man" look she got when we decided to move her up in size from newborn to 0 to 3 month clothes a few months ago. She's kind of in an in-between right now -- her 0 to 3 are starting to get snug, but almost all of her 3 to 6 month is still too big.

Socialite!: Last weekend, baby girl got her first Fleet Farm Toyland experience! It was epic. I have a feeling it will become a bit of a tradition for us to look around there when it first opens, just like I did with my family growing up :)
Over the weekend, we ventured to Fargo for a family wedding. Baby girl got to hang out with all of her cousins, aunts and uncles on my side, and also got to see some great aunts and uncles as well. She was an awesome wedding-goer and traveler! So happy and content the whole time :) I even got to sit through the wedding for once!
Diet: Still nursing Lizzie exclusively (lucky mommy -- even after I've gone back to work!).
Baby Gear Love: Still loving books, her Snugabunny Swing and also the Fisher Price Go Baby Go 1-2-3 Crawl Along Snail -- she honestly cannot get enough of that silly snail!

Crying: She is one sweet baby. She's only fussy if she's hungry or tired :)

Mommy News: Still very contemplative about if and when I'd like to stop nursing. After my last post, I got some really awesome messages from other mommies who shared their experiences with it and I am so appreciative of them. Everyone's thoughts truly gave me some really great, different perspectives on the whole thing. I also had a really good discussion about it with my sister-in-law over the weekend that I felt was very helpful. I can't say I've really made a decision about the whole thing, but that's fine -- what's the rush or the use in deciding on a hard, fast date for it?

Milestones: She's starting to develop a bit more strength when it comes to sitting up. By no means is she close to sitting up on her own, but she can balance there for a few seconds before flopping in one direction or another. She's babbling like crazy now at times, and she's also pretty easy to get a good giggle (or belly laugh!) out of :) She's also doing an awesome job of standing up next to our ottoman without any assistance (we put her there in the first place, of course, and keep our hands close by to catch her if she falls) -- girl's got some strong legs!

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