Monday, October 14, 2013

Twenty One Weeks!

Weight: My best guess is between 12.5 and 13 pounds at this point. All I know is this: she's definitely heavier. I don't think I really need to go to the Y anymore -- squatting down to pick things up is plenty of work while holding her!

Sleep: Big news! I think we're out of our sleep slump... hooray! Out of the blue one night, she magically slept entirely through without warning. I woke at quarter to six with my alarm clock, and she hadn't made a peep the entire night. That pattern continued for three nights straight (bedtime around 7:30, us waking her around 6:30), at which point she broke the streak and started waking around 3:00 to eat a couple nights (er, mornings). Last night, though, she was back to her full-night schedule. It's somewhat bittersweet, which may sound crazy. I'd forgotten how great a full night of sleep feels (hadn't had one in a year at this point!), which is awesome, but I do miss our nighttime dates where I got to snuggle her in the still of the night. Although, I doubt they're over for good ;)
Medical Issues: Nada :)

Clothes: 0 to 3 month is where we're at still. I doubt we'll be growing out of it too soon, either -- doesn't look that way, anyway.

Socialite!:Lizzie's cousins came to visit last weekend, so she spent a lot of time outside in the beautiful fall weather watching them play and walking around outside (er, someone holding her while they walk around outside). She loves to watch them play! Baby girl also attended a Stella and Dot party last week, where she got to see some of my coworkers again -- she even wore her necklace onesie to fit in perfectly with the party's theme :) Unfortunately, it was at the end of the daycare day, so she was in need of a nap. That's okay, though -- she did well for a good chunk of time before we made our exit and she fell asleep and snuck a nap in on the way home :)
  Diet: Still nursing Lizzie exclusively (lucky mommy -- even after I've gone back to work!).

Baby Gear Love: Right now, we're big fans of our Bright Starts Activity Bar on our car seat again. She's started to bat at the things on the bar, rather than just stare at and talk to them.

Crying: She is one sweet baby. She's only fussy if she's hungry or tired :)

Mommy News: As mentioned previously, baby girl has begun to sleep through the  night (for the most part). From what I've read, for nursing mommies like myself, this signifies the point at which you can no longer count on nursing to be your natural fertility blocker. This is, of course, a sore subject for me because of all the trouble we had getting pregnant -- so, to tell you the truth, this is another reason why Lizzie sleeping through the night is bittersweet. I'm afraid of the extreme disappointment I'll feel when my body doesn't return to the fertile state -- because, call me a Negative Nancy, but I'm pretty skeptical that anything will change from my pre-pregnancy self in terms of fertility. Not that I'm saying we're trying again, or that I'm not happy with how things are -- so not true! -- it's just that the stab of infertility is one I'd rather not be reminded of anytime soon (or ever again!). Anyway, that's been in the back of my mind for the past five months -- but you never know. God could certainly surprise me by making me into a mega-fertile Myrtle. Wouldn't that be insane? Bring it on!

Milestones: Baby's milestones this week include a few new sounds. She's making some amazingly cute high-pitched squeals and has done a couple of "ba" sounds that made me extra-excited! Lizzie also brought her toes to her mouth and sucked on them this week -- but for the most part, she seems to be somewhat apathetic about them, as well as rolling over at this point. She's also really starting to reach for things now -- she'll lean pretty far forward or to the side off your lap to grab at what she's eyein' :)

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