Monday, May 6, 2013

35 Weeks!

How far along? 36 weeks today! However, this will recap my time at 35 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:
I had hoped to share the scale had nudged up another pound this week, but, alas, no such luck. Still holding steady at 122. Amping up the snacking again, hoping that I can accumulate a couple more pounds over the next week (and another one pound by the time I see my doctor this Thursday so she can be proud of my weight gaining progress)!

Maternity clothes? Trying to be exclusively maternity-clothed these days! The pants are just more comfy, and the shirts are actually long enough to cover my expanding my tummy. I'm still waiting on those maternity tanks to come in the mail that I mentioned last week, so I ended up wearing a regular tank under my maternity top today and it drove. Me. Insane. It was far too short to cover my baby girl, even though it didn't matter because no one could see it... but I could feel it creep up and it drove me nuts! Regardless, I'm loving the warm weather because it's given me the chance to break out my spring maternity-wear that I'd planned on wearing the last month or so but didn't because of the excessively long winter weather. Hooray for bright colors and no more blacks and greys!

Stretch marks? Not one yet! And not an itchy belly yet, which I've heard typically happens. Maybe I can escape both!
Symptoms: Still feeling really great! Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions all the time, and some that are starting to hurt a little (but never in a "rhythm").
My upper back pain persists as it has the last few months, which is actually pretty painful, but I realize how lucky I am to feel as good as I do otherwise. I don't notice the acid reflux anymore, and I'm not waddling (yet... to my knowledge, anyway), and I'm not overly tired. There are times when I feel like maybe there's something wrong because I don't feel uncomfortable, but I guess not. I need to be less anxious and be grateful that I've been so blessed with such a smooth pregnancy!
Sleep: Still sleeping really well. Although, like I mentioned last week, I will think about how I'm laying (am I squashing baby girl?) and whether or not I feel her kicking in the night (which I hardly ever do, because I'm half asleep when I think of these things). Besides that, I'm still falling asleep quickly and sleeping until the alarm goes off. On weekends, I even surpass Andy in the sleeping-in department lately! Guess it's my body storing up some Z's while it can for the weeks ahead :)

Best moment this week: Going to the Twin Cities on Saturday with Andy. We figured it would be our last chance to feel comfortable with traveling two hours and not having a little peanut in tow, so there was no time like the present! We picked up some things at Ikea for our new house and for sweet baby's bedroom. On our way home, we stopped by a BabyGap and grabbed some pretty cute things. Andy was quite pleased, as he now has a "daddy" outfit -- one that was completely picked out exclusively by him -- even the little pants were his choice :) Our last stop was a SuperTarget, where we went in order to get the best "baby" selection of items that we hadn't received yet. We had buckets of fun, and I felt really good all day. My upper back pain makes it supremely uncomfortable to ride in the car for that long, but I survived by doing my best to ignore it, sitting in weird positions, and receiving little back rubs here and there :)

Miss Anything? Nothing! We are so blessed!
Movement: On our trip to the cities on Saturday, she was a dancing machine. I'm not sure if it was the radio she was hearing or what, but she was just non-stop rolling in there! Forget about texting while driving being a distraction... how about a moving baby in your tummy while driving?! It was awesome. I just love it when she's so active.

Food cravings: Enjoying that OJ and also jalapeno flavored items... so weird.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The same old, same old: ice cream, pizza and anything chocolate-peanut butter combo.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Belly Button in or out? Still sporting an innie, but apparently appears to be an outie to everyone else... my students asked the other day if my belly button is out because they could see it through my shirt :) You can even see it through a sweatshirt! How weird is that?

Wedding rings on or off? On... but getting snug! Thought about investing in a fake ring over the weekend. Baby daddy told me I didn't need to do that because everyone knows I'm married to him anyway, but I feel naked without one -- so it's definitely more for me than for others. We'll see... maybe I can get by and keep my rings on!

Happy or Moody most of the time: So ridiculously happy! But always that same-old anxiety about how she's doing, which I know is silly.
Looking forward to: Meeting this little girl! I've definitely moved extremely far beyond having "cold feet" a few weeks ago to being so excited I might burst! I don't think I can wait four more weeks! It's like opening the best Christmas gift ever.

Also looking forward to my baby shower with my staff... the theme is "Ready to POP!" :) So cute.

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