Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gettin' Crafty

As mentioned in one of my posts from last week, I spent three nights at school doing parent-teacher conferences. So lucky me, the district gave us not just Veteran's Day off last week, but also the day after as a comp day -- hooray!

So what did I do with my time?

Slept in... until 8:00. Which may not seem like much, but I didn't wake up to an alarm and didn't get up at 6:50 -- yahoo!

I also got a manicure and pedicure while reading trashy Hollywood gossip magazines while sitting in a heated massage chair... amazing. And best of all? I used a gift certificate... so it didn't cost me a penny :)

Shopping was also on the agenda, and I made one unusual purchase. Trust, friends, that I will most certainly share it with you. Just not today :)

AND I got crafty!

Because apparently, everyone and their dog buys their Thanksgiving decorations before Halloween so when I went looking for some over the weekend, there were none left. Only Christmas decorations. So anyway, this left me no choice: be crafty and make your own!

I made my project out of wood and therefore needed some tools for it. However, seeing as hubby and I live in an apartment, we really don't have any tools because we don't really need any tools. Lucky for me, I do have two brothers who live in the area with their lovely families. And they have homes. So they have tools :) Check! We have tool access -- kaching!

Then we made a trip to the Home Depot to pick up a 4 x 4 wood post. Initially, I was a little shocked when I saw the price for this "post" -- $12.00! I wasn't so sure about following through with my "little" project at that point, because to me, one of the purposes behind making one's own decorations is to be a little thrifty. Luckily I have a hubby with a keen sense of smell for a good deal... and he sought out this fantabulous little "cull cart" -- whatever that means. I didn't bother to ask. All I cared about was the fact that the wood that should have been $12.00 turned out to be just two dollars! Yes, please.

After picking out the [cheap] wood, we asked the nice workerman to please cut the posts into four-inch sections. And this is what my giddy little self ended up with:

So we paid for our blocks and off we went to my brother's house to use his sander and cordless drill [which the hubs drooled over the whole time]. The goal with the drill was to drill a shallow hole that would fit a little tea light candle in it. We bought a 1 1/2" drill bit for around (er, exactly) $6.17 and prior to drilling, hubby had me use a tape measure to find the exact middle of the top of each block.
Notice those nice manicured nails in OPI's Black Cherry :) A handywoman with nice nails, mmhmm.

And no, this is not in our apartment. Us, granite countertops? Someday, my friends... someday.

Anyway, once I finished up that job, hubby started drilling:

And I started sanding to make the blocks nice and smooth. Well, at least to the non-sliver point. About an hour and a half after beginning the tool phase, we finished!

We threw the blocks into our trunk, swept out the garage and tried to make it look better than when we arrived. Oh, and we decided to help ourselves and split a slice of the delicious looking banana bread that was sitting on that nice granite countertop seen a few photos back. Thanks, lovely sister-in-law for sharing without knowing -- we enjoyed every bite after slaving away with power tools over these baby-block shaped hunks of wood :)

When we arrived back at our apartment, hubby set up a painting station for me, turned on some country music (his choice, not mine. Sorry hunny, I just publicly outed you as a country fan!) and got painting.

The first coat was brown.
Yes, that's hubby's hard-working paint-brush hand in the background. When the brown was dry, we layered on a clear crackle-coat. I used this stuff that I found at JoAnn's and it was fantastic:

After the clear coat of this dried, I painted a coat of cream... and then the magic happened! Lots o' cracklin'.

After all of that, I cut out some letters to the word "GIVE THANKS" that I printed out nice and big. After tracing around the letters on each block, I painted the inside of my outlines black with a teensy tiny purple brush we bought at Hobby Lobby (um, I love Hobby Lobby. Like, a lot).

Halfway there... yahoo!

And finally after three days of crafty crafting, I finished!

And I'm very pleased! Except for one thing. I'll bet you can see it...

Yep, the "A" -- it's a teensy bit higher than the other letters. Darnit! So I may or may not paint over it and re-do it, but we'll see.
Eek! My reflection. Slight violation of my blogger anonymity!

For me, I'd consider this a success! I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I really enjoyed working on it. Hubby even likes it :) I'm thinking about doing one for Christmas, too, because we still have around 20 blocks left over that we didn't use but did sand and drill. And it ended up being pretty thrifty after all. Probably around $15.00 was spent on the whole thing... not bad!

Now it's time for me to make myself a cookie dough malt (um, delicious) and pick out my clothes for school tomorrow before I head to bed. Yes, I do still pick out my clothes every night before going to bed. Trust me, it saves at least 10 minutes in the morning.

Happy Wednesday tomorrow! :)

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