Saturday, September 18, 2010

How wonderful life is, now Craig[slist]'s in the world!

Hubby and I are moving into a new apartment within the next few weeks and we cannot wait! Our current space is beyond cozy, coming in around 400 square feet. Yikes! With the move, we'll acquire a garage (no scraping!), a laundry room (goodbye, quarter pumping!), a walk-through closet (peace out, crammed closet!) plus the addition of 600 more square feet!

We wanted to, naturally, move into a house. However, now's not the right time for us. So we remain apartment-bound. Regardless, my Suzy Homemaker side is dying to be unleashed, so I've been dreaming of ways to decorate our new place. One of my most favorite ideas is to take an awful, gaudy brass chandelier...

*shivers* -- so hideous.

And turn it into something fabulous like this...

I'm not sure if I'd paint it white or some other quirky color yet. I've seen other examples in a vibrant teal color, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to go quite that quirkified. I'm also not sure how it would look in an apartment setting... or at least, in our apartment setting. Obviously it's not something I want to spend a whole lot of money on, either. It's more of a fun piece. So for all the "unsures" here, I've been looking for a low-budget wonder. I've wandered MANY thrift and antique stores in and around our city and have yet to find the type of chandy I'm looking for.

Thus, I've taken a liking to Craigslist. And by "a liking", I mean "an addiction". Every hour I check for updates... does anyone have a hideous brass chandelier at a dirt cheap price yet? How about an unfortunate looking wooden bench for me to recover and make fabulous?

Success was found in the brass chandelier department earlier this evening -- for $50.00, there's a woman who has TWO of them (not that I need two, but it's what she's selling... so whatevs). Unfortunately, she's four hours away. So the search somewhat continues... unless I can get lucky enough to know someone who's heading south four hours down the interstate.

Ahhhh craigslist. How wonderful life is, now you're in the world.

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