Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eight Weeks Old!

 Weight: Baby girl is officially eight pounds, fourteen ounces... so not quite breaking that nine pound mark yet. I seriously look at my sweet girl multiple times a day and honestly wonder, "people push out babies your size or larger? How?!" It's hard to imagine having a newborn the size of my two-month old!

Sleep: Lizzie girl is starting to fall into more of a routine now, which has been awesome. I don't want to brag (mostly because she'll probably end up falling out of this routine next week or something and then I'll feel like a fool!), but I've made some changes after seeing her doctor on Monday and also after reading The Happiest Baby Guide to Sleep by Dr. Harvey Karp (read it? You must if you're a mommy or mommy-to-be of an infant!) and I really think it's made some amazing changes around our house. More on that later. Anyway, back to sleep: she wakes around eight, eats and "plays" with me for about an hour and a half, and then goes down for a nap that lasts a couple of hours. She wakes again to eat and play for another hour to hour and a half, and then goes back down for a nap for a couple of hours. Basically, long story short: this routine pretty much goes on the entire day, with her naps becoming shorter and her awake time becomes longer as we get into the evening/nighttime hours. She's still sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed at night, and tends to sleep her usual: four hours for her first stretch, three hours for the next, and another three hours or so after that. This provides me with plenty of time to get in a full eight hours :)

I should also mention that when we saw her doctor on Monday, I inquired about when she should be "putting herself to sleep". He said it really should start happening soon, and that we should think about putting her in her crib when she's drowsy and allowing her to cry for a little bit before rescuing her, to see if she will start to put herself to sleep. Now, I knew I wasn't totally ready for that yet. I mean, she's still my baby! But I know he's right. So I picked up that Happiest Baby book I mentioned earlier that I had gotten at the library a couple of weeks ago and read half of it in a couple of days and learned a lot about how to get your baby to be "good" at that skill. So for the past four days, I've been getting Lizzie to sleep, then putting her in her crib, allowing her (or causing her) to wake up just a teensy bit, and then shaking the crib just a bit to soothe her back to sleep. I should also mention that I purchased a "Sleep Sheep" to help with adding white noise, which also helps her stay in a deep sleep. Anyway, the purpose of this rigamarole is that when she wakes up that teensy bit, she has to put herself back to sleep on her own... and though it was tough for her to do the first few days (and we had to repeat the process four or five times in a row with me picking her up and soothing her in between before obtaining success...), she's got a report card of 100% today as far as putting herself to sleep goes. Now, we haven't done the whole, set her down while awake but drowsy and walk out of the room yet, but that will come. Baby steps :)

Medical Issues: We've been talking about gas troubles the last few weeks and I'm hoping we've figured out how to curb them. After hearing and feeling little gas bubbles in her tummy and having a cranky baby, we decided to try out gas drops. Every time baby eats (except when I feed her at night since it would be too much fumbling around), I give her a little dose. Though they don't work for everyone, I do think they are helping her a lot. We don't feel or hear those gas bubbles as much now, and she's getting rid of gas in a much less painful manner (we can easily tell by how she no longer struggles and turns red... so sad!). We did also buy "Gripe Water" but haven't used it yet because of the success with the gas drops.

We also had our two-month shots on Monday :( It was definitely the most heartbreaking moment of mommyhood yet! I read somewhere that you should talk to your baby before they give shots because it distracts them, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. Here I was, giving her smiles and talking sweet to her, and then BAM! Stabbed in the thighs times two, plus one more to back it up! Poor baby girl's face at the moment of impact is a face I hope she never has to make again... and that poor little silent cry! AH! Burned into mommy's memory. So it was sad, and there were tears from both of Andy's girls after Lizzie got her shots. But I fed her right afterward, gave her some tylenol four hours after the shots (our clinic's recommendation) because her legs were definitely sensitive and baby girl was wimpery, and she slept a good seven hours (save when I woke her to eat)... and when I woke her around seven that night to eat, my sweet girl was back to normal! We got lots and lots of smiles and had one happy sweet baby on our hands :) We survived two-month shots... hooray!

Clothes: Still hanging out in our newborn items. We haven't outgrown much of anything yet (just those coming-home-from-the-hospital jammies :( ), but we're still too little to get into our 0 to 3 month jammies... they are huge on us! Poor girl just swims in them! Maybe in a few weeks.

Socialite!: The Fourth of July was this last week, so sweet girl got lots of socializing in. She got to meet some cousins of mine that she hasn't met before and got lots of snuggles from everyone. My best friend from high school also made her way through town on Saturday, so Lizzie was lucky enough to spend some time and get some cuddles from her, too! And I mention this every week, but the girls at the YMCA drop-in childcare continue to be her biggest fans! They love when she has her eyes open when I drop her off so they can talk to her and snuggle her, too!

Diet: Milk -- still nursing exclusively.

Baby Gear Love: So many new things! We are back to loving our SwaddleMe blankets because that's what Dr. Harvey Karp (author of my new favorite book that I've mentioned three times now!) recommends to help baby sleep longer. My ultimate favorite, however, is our new Sleep Sheep. Love it! We had it on our registry but didn't receive it, and since it was $20 and didn't seem like a necessity, I opted not to pick it up until now. However, Dr. Harvey Karp (again!) recommended white noise to help soothe baby and also help her sleep longer -- so I knew just what to get to help us in that category! Plus I'd read other, very positive, parent reviews on a lot of blogs I read about Sleep Sheep. Anyway, he's become our new best friend and is always on the "rain" setting. (Sidenote: we got the Travel Sleep Sheep, as our Target didn't carry the full-size version. Full-size has a sound setting for "Mother's Heartbeat", while the travel version replaces that with whale sounds? Whatever. Anyway, I would have preferred full-size, but it's not that big of a deal. My only complaint about our Sleep Sheep is that it has a 23 or 45-minute automatic timer, which means it switches off after that. I'm not a big fan of this, as I'd like the option for it to be continuous for naptime. At night we have a fan going to still offer some white noise, but during naptime otherwise it's quiet. Anyway, that's my quick review of our Travel Sleep Sheep).

Crying: After a couple of rough weeks of a crying baby in the evening hours and Lizzie's doctor confirming that she does, indeed, have colic (I was definitely in denial!), I decided we needed to make some changes. I had already purchased gas drops (love them!) and Gripe Water (which we have yet to use) the day before her appointment, but afterward is when I picked up Sleep Sheep and started reading my new favorite book. Her doctor also suggested that maybe she's getting too overstimulated (I'll get to a revelation about this in "Mommy News"). So anyway, like I said, we made some changes... and, my friends, these changes have made a world of a difference! We have a totally different baby living in our house this week! Let me explain...

I'd been in denial about what a yawn from my sweet baby meant. I assumed that, like adults, babies sometimes yawn randomly throughout the day. Doesn't mean we need naps necessarily. But, go figure, if a baby yawns, that's one sign (amongst a few) that he or she is tired. Duh, mommy. So that was my first revelation: if she's yawning, put her down for a nap. This has made a huge difference. Instead of bouncing baby on my lap, singing her happy songs and pulling out toys to make her "happy" (and, ironically, just making her more angry!), I swaddle her up, turn on Sleep Sheep, sing some lullabies and rock her until she's asleep (which isn't long because she's yawning because she's tired. Duh, again!). Then when she wakes, she's rejuvenated and much happier... so I get smiles and love when she's awake rather than wails and cries! Love it! I think I just didn't think she could possibly be tired again for a nap, so I wouldn't put her to sleep... and they say that by the time your baby's eyelids start to droop, if you're not in the process of putting them to sleep, you've pushed them too far. So I'm learning to watch for her "tired" signs.

Our nighttime hours are a little more tricky, as I don't want to put her down for a nap at 8:00 at night, nor do I want to put her down to sleep for the night just yet. However, her doctor pointed out that maybe one reason she's crying at night could be because she's demanding to cluster feed (basically "stocking up" her tummy with milk so she can sleep longer). So I've been more sensitive to that and offering her opportunities to eat, and that seems to help. However the crying has been a lot better at night now, so we haven't had to worry about it as much.

So anyway, here're my theories: One: the gas drops have helped alleviate some gas pain and we now have a happier baby! Two: I've stopped "training" my baby and stopped overwhelming her with toys and play gyms and nursery rhymes and now we have a happier baby! Three: She was overtired before, and now I'm letting her sleep and so now we have a happier baby! Or four: a combination of all of the above.

I'm voting reason four :)

Mommy News: As I mentioned, my doctor said Lizzie could be getting overstimulated throughout the day. He also explained that it seems like I'm "training" my baby. Ha! We all got a good chuckle out of that :) Because I feel like it's true! But here's why: I've read a lot of parenting books and so many of them say that every moment your baby is awake is your opportunity to shape them and help them learn and grow... so I've felt like I need to constantly be entertaining her, or trying to get her to track a toy with her eyes, or to try to get her to coo more and smile more and to make sure she feels wanted and loved by my being in her face and smiling at her. Now, I realize, that's not true. Babies can have some downtime... in fact, they need some downtime where Mom isn't throwing an annoying, hot pink, jingling butterfly is their face (a common occurrence in our house prior to this week...)! So I've stepped back and tried to give her a little space. And I truly feel like this has helped her to be happier and less stimulated as well. I think I just want her to be on-track developmentally and I worry that she won't be if I'm not doing those things. But, again, she needs that time when she's not being bombarded with songs and toys. Live and learn, friends... live and learn.

Aside from that, with our newfound napping schedule during the day and the swaddle + Sleep Sheep combination, I've found myself with a whole lot more free-time... which means I've been taking a baby monitor out on my deck and reading books in the sunshine :) At first I was engrossed in The Happiest Baby Guide to Sleep (new favorite, remember? How annoyed are you by this yet? Ha!), but I've since moved on. Now I'm reading a book called Summer's Child by Diane Chamberlain. Seriously, if you're not usually a reader (or if you are!), read The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain and you'll be hooked on this author. She. Is. Awesome. Anyway, the point is, I've been really enjoying having the opportunity to read again and the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine as well.

Milestones: We survived our two-month shots... yay!

LOTS of smiles this week :) LOVE it! I swear there was even a giggle today... :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw! She'll develop just fine! You're a great mama. I can guarantee that any future children you have won't have near the amount of attention you're giving Lizzie now (just because you'll be busy with other kids!) and they'll do just fine as well!! :) I love reading your blog updates. I'm so far behind these days!
