Thursday, June 27, 2013

Six Weeks Old!

Weight: If you recall, I was estimating last week that she was weighing in between eight and eight and a half pounds. Well, after an unplanned trip to see Lizzie's doctor last week, we learned that she is eight pounds, three and a half ounces. Which means she gained another 18 ounces in two weeks :) She is now at the 12th percentile for weight, up from the second percentile when she was born. My goal isn't necessarily to have her "gaining" in percentile level, but rather to at least stay steady at whatever percentile she's at, if that makes sense. Therefore, I'm a happy momma to see my baby holding steady and then some :)

Sleep: This little one doesn't look like she'll be letting me sleep through the night for quite some time. She's holding steady to her typical pattern, which is a solid three or four hours when she first goes down at night, and then waking every two hours or so after that. We did have one night this week where she was waking one or two hours (without any four-hour time frame of sleep). I was wondering if she was having a growth spurt after that night, but I haven't seen much for other examples of growth spurt after that. She has started to sleep less during the day, though -- she now has nice, long awake periods each afternoon and evening, probably about three or four hours worth each.

Medical Issues: I mentioned last week that baby girl might be battling some gas issues. We had kind of a scary last Thursday (well, scary for me, anyway). She woke up and ate, but not well, and immediately following, began crying hard. This made me think she probably wasn't feeling good after eating, as she typically is so content when she has a full tummy. Poor sweet baby continued to cry for the next 45 minutes straight, which is extremely unlike my little girl. I'd never seen her act that way! Her whole body would go rigid and stiff, and she'd grab onto me with both little hands as hard as she could and just cry. Completely broke my heart. So I called her doctor, and they suggested she come in later in the afternoon. She did finally give in and go to sleep around 11:00 for a nap, which I was glad for because she finally seemed comfortable again. However, she slept for the next four and a half hours straight. Even when I put her down on the floor without being wrapped in a blanket, she slept. Even while I changed her diaper, she slept. And when she would wake, her little eyes would just open, blink a couple of times, and go shut again. At that point, I became very concerned. She had only eaten once since her poor feeding right away that morning, and that second feeding wasn't much better than her first. Typically, she wants to eat every two hours. I was worried there was something bigger going on, so I took her temperature -- normal. I walked around the house with her like a zombie, worried out of my mind. When it was finally time to go in for her appointment, I cried on the way into town. I was already planning what I would eat for supper in the hospital when they admitted her for the night (I'm obviously extremely dramatic). When we finally saw her doctor, she had just woken up (which happened as the result of her having to be stripped down to just a diaper to be weighed) and he did her little check-up. And whaddya know? She looked perfect. He listened to her tummy and thought there were a lot of noises in there (meaning, I assume, gas), but other than that, all was well. I asked about her sleepiness and lack of appetite for the day, and he said that was likely due to her "stressful" morning when she had tummy troubles for an extended period of time. She was just sleeping off the stress, I guess. So I took baby girl home, where she continued to sleep for three more hours. I was just starting to get worried again when I heard her little cry coming from her bedroom... a sound I've never been so happy to hear! Sweet girl was back to her normal self by that evening, and momma was a happy lady.
Clothes: Still sportin' the newborn sizes and have yet to grow out of anything, but are beginning to grow into more and more of our "bigger" newborn stuff.
Socialite!: Lizzie girl visited lots of family in Fargo this weekend for her cousin's baptism. She enjoyed being held by some family members she hadn't seen in a few weeks and was a fabulous travel companion, as per usual. She's also started to hang out with other kiddos at the Y when I go to group exercise classes. So far, she seems to be a popular lady amongst the two-year-olds -- because, let's face it: what toddler doesn't love a new baby? And the workers there seem to like her too, mostly because she wears cute headbands, has lots of hair, and does nothing but sleeps while she's there... so she's sweet to look at and easy to take care of :) Nothing better, right?

Diet: Milk, as usual. Still nursing exclusively.

Baby Gear Love: I'm going to be lame this week and say her crib and rocking chair. I'm loving her crib, because she takes such long naps in there, which I think is awesome when it comes to getting things around the house done. Earlier this week, she slept for two hours while I made supper and Andy and I ate supper. It was genuinely shocking at how much I'd forgotten what it was like to hang out with my husband as just the two of us. It was nice... but it was also nice when she woke up :) I'm also loving her rocking chair. She loves a good rock combined with lullabies. I've been singing many of the same lullabies now as I did to her when she was in the womb. I was especially fond of "You Are My Sunshine" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" while she was still in my tummy, and those two seem to be the  most soothing to her. Isn't that so cool?

Crying: I've realized that "crying" is different from "complaining" when it comes to babies. She doesn't do a lot of crying, but she will "talk" in a complaining tone, if that makes sense. Anyway, that being said... her crying still remains to be very much under control. She doesn't cry too often, and when she does, we can remedy it quite quickly. Sometimes all she needs is a good snuggle... to which we're happy to oblige :)

Mommy News: This week, I returned to the Y as a group exercise class goer. I've gone to a few yoga classes and one Zumba class (no more Zumba in my living room... hurrah!) and have really enjoyed them. What I enjoy even more is the drop-in childcare offered to members and the fact that she's so close by, and if something goes wrong or if she needs me, the workers know where I am (you write down your work-out plans in the sign-in book) and can come and get me.

Sidenote: seriously, Zumba is maybe the most fun thing I do in the week. So much fun!

Anyway, I will start teaching my pilates class again next week, which I'm excited for. I've missed it!

In other mommy news: I cut my hair! I think my hair stylist probably took off five inches or so... but I needed it! My hair was getting so heavy (I have very thick hair) and just needed a change. So I went for an inverted bob that can still be put into a (teensy tiny) ponytail.

Milestones: The smiles are continuing to make a gradual appearance. So excited to see them regularly and to hear those little giggles, too! We're also hearing more and more "talking" from her... we love hearing her little voice!

Lizzie has officially figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back. She's been rolling like that since she was six days old, but as of last week, it's very apparent that she knows how to do it. When we put her on her tummy, she'll just decide she's had enough and roll over to her back. It's hilarious :)

Another milestone? She made mommy realize it would be best to bring a change of pants when going somewhere. And not a change of pants for Lizzie -- but for me. When we were at my nephew's baptism last Sunday, Lizzie got hungry about 15 minutes into mass. Andy gave me a diaper and wipes on my way out to change her with as well. When we got into the gathering place, I sat down in one of the chairs and put on my nursing cover-up and put baby girl in my lap. Now, she's been wearing size-one diapers since she is up to eight pounds (newborn diapers go from six to eight pounds, size ones go from eight to 14 (or 16?) pounds), but they have seemed to be a little big for her, but we hadn't had any mishaps with them, so I didn't think much of it. Anyway, when I sat down in the chair, she must have peed simultaneously... and unfortunately, since her diaper was a bit big, the leg holes weren't tight against her little legs (I'm sure you can see where this is going) and I felt something warm in my groin area. I thought it was odd that she felt so warm (I assumed at first that it was due to a very full diaper that needed changing), but then I realized that I recalled that same warm sensation from my early childhood years. Unfortunately, it was the feeling of peeing one's pants... no, not me peeing my pants, but Lizzie peeing and it coming out of her diaper and onto my lap. Because I was sitting down in a leather chair, the pee ended up not just going on the front of my crotch, but also up the back of my pants. So it completely looked like I had peed my own pants. Great. I made my way to the bathroom as discreetly as I could, hoping to find a hand drier... no luck. So instead, I didn't end up going back into mass and stood near a window and a heater vent, hoping that both would help my pants dry out. Which they did, without any staining... but not before mass was over. Anyway, I learned a couple valuable lessons: bring an extra pair of pants, and always dress your child in a diaper that fits.

Ah, the life of mommyhood :) I wouldn't trade it for anything -- peepants and all.

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