Thursday, August 18, 2011

So Long, Sweet Summer

For the kiddos and teachers in my district, school begins one week from today. Eek! Where in the world did the summer go?

Though much of my summer was spent watching What Not to Wear twice a day, running through the grass barefoot and eating lunch at 2:00 in the afternoon, I did do a few things...

Hubby and I traveled south to Orlando, Florida for a visit to the Disney World parks and (our fave!) The Wizarding World of Harry Potter... awesome! It was a delayed honeymoon I suppose, and we had a fantastic time. Woot!

My baby sister graduated from high school and will be heading to our city on Sunday for college... yay!

I completely re-did a fancy shmancy chair I bought at the Boy's Ranch last fall for $18.00.

Baked a sweet awesome sweet fourth of July American flag cake!

Spent days with my niece and nephews, hung out with my mom and sister, went for bike rides, traveled to Duluth and husband's cabin, spent time with my parents, did some gardening, caught up with cousins, ate loads of Dairy Queen, became addicted to Pinterest...

We move back to our apartment after spending the summer at my parent's home on Saturday. It'll be a sad day, but I've got a group of 23 kiddos waiting for me to fill their little minds with oodles of third grade knowledge!

So here's to a great summer and looking forward to what might lie ahead... and to staying positive, hopeful and thankful -- even when it might get tough.

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